Chapter 9

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While Andy was saying, her flight was announced over the microphone. Jack heard the sound and identified that she was at an airport.

Jack: Do you need to fly to a spa? Are there none near here?

Andy didn't intend to tell anyone she was going to another state. Vic and Maya figured she was at one in the nearby town where Vic had suggested. Andy had to come up with a quick justification.

Andy: Vic had suggested a SPA in the neighboring town, but they didn't have openings for this weekend. I chose one in another state. Jack, I need to hang up. I'm getting on the plane.

Andy hung up the phone so Jack wouldn't say anything else.

She got on the plane and stayed the entire way looking forward to seeing Robert in the next few hours.

When she arrived in Montana in the afternoon, Robert was waiting for her with a bouquet of red roses. As soon as she saw him, Andy ran to hug him. First they held each other for a few seconds and then they kissed passionately. The longing was so great, they couldn't realize how long that kiss took.

Robert handed her the roses and she was moved by how romantic Robert was.

They walked hugging to the car. They didn't want to be apart for even a minute.

Andy: I ​​can't believe I'm here with you. Now I don't want to let go of you anymore.

Robert: I was also looking forward to your arrival. I was dreaming of this moment every day. I don't want to let go of you anymore either, but I think we need to get in the car if we're really going to enjoy our weekend together.

They shared one last kiss and got into the car. Andy remained petting Robert the entire way while he drove.

When they arrived at Robert's house, he had left a special decoration to welcome her. Opening the door, Andy saw a small arrangement of heart-shaped balloons next to a picture frame displayed on the sideboard in the entrance hall. It was the first and only photo of the two of them together, taken in Central Park, next to the cherry trees that Andy loved so much. There was also a banner with the words "Welcome" because even though Andy lives in another state, Robert wanted her to feel at home.

Andy continued walking through the house, marveling at what she was seeing. On the table in the center of the room, she found a basket of chocolates, a bottle of wine, and two glasses with the initials R & A engraved inside a picture of a heart. There was also a box. She opened the box and saw a photo album that contained only the same photo as the picture frame. Inside the album was a card:

"This is the first of many photos we will still take together. This album will keep the memories of our love and all the happy moments that we will still live."

Andy turned to Robert and had no words to express how new this was all to her and how delighted she was with everything he had prepared. She only managed to thank him with a long, lingering kiss.

Andy: I ​​don't know what to say. You are amazing.

Robert: I just want you to feel a little bit of how much I'm in love with you and how I wish I could show you that every day.

Andy: You already show me that every day. Even though I live so far away, I feel you with every message, every call, every video call. You can't imagine how I feel so loved since we met. You didn't even know my name and you were already taking care of me. Thank you Robert for being in my life.

Robert was in front of her, ruffling her hair as he listened to Andy declare herself. Then he brought his hand to the back of Andy's neck and gave him a kiss, this time a quick kiss because he still wanted to look at her some more and admire her. They continued to look into each other's eyes and let only their eyes tell how much love there was in each other.

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