Night talks (ST)

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WC: 388

Your ages in this imagine: 15-16

Type of imagine: cute

Requested: no


One thing that I absolutely love doing with my boyfriend Stanley is our late-night talks under the stars, we would literally take about random shit and laugh about it.

Right now him and I were laid out on the grass watching as the stars slowly filled the dark sky, not having to worry about school, his father or mother.

Stanley and I were laid side by side looking up at the night sky and I couldn't help but wonder, was there was other life out in the universe? Maybe there were aliens that were closely studying us and our planet.

"Baby Do u think aliens can hear our thoughts?" I ask breaking the comfortable silence. Stanley laughed and turned to face me "Where did that come from?".

"Well I was just thinking about space and then I just thought, what if aliens can hear us" I say and he chuckles "You're such a dork, I love it" he cooed, leaning over to peak my lips "Not as much as I love you" I giggle, nuzzling into his side.

"That's impossible" He scoffs, softly laughing as he placed his arm around me.

We both sat in comfortable silence before I spoke again.

"Ok but do you really think aliens could hear our thoughts?" I ask, looking up at the dark sky.

"Dude 100%. Aliens are probably crazy smart, they're probably way ahead of the human race" he says making me laugh "probably smarter them my father and mother" he chuckled.

"And you say I'm a dork" I tease, leaning over to kiss him "Hey I'm not a dork, you're my dork" he pouts, pulling me closer to him.

"Ok but only if I'm your one and only dork" I say smiling "Well duh, you're gonna be my wife someday" he said making me blush "yea?" "hell yea" he says pulling in by my shirt to finally connect our lips.

I pulled away blushing while he had a huge grin on his face.

"come here" he said pulling me closer to him, and just like that we brought our focus back to the sky trying to spot the stars that slowly started to appear.




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Q: do you think aliens are real?

Javon Walton imagines #2Where stories live. Discover now