Dont slam the door (AT)

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WC: 648

Your ages in this imagine: 19

Type of imagine: a prank taking a wrong turn 

Requested: no


Right now I'm about to prank my boyfriend by slamming his car door and see how he would react.

Ashtray loves cars and after years of work and saving up his money he had finally bought his dream car and loves it to death. He is really gentle with it and would kill anyone who would come near it.

So let's just say I'm kinda scared of this prank.

We are on our way to Mcdonald's because I'm on my period and I really craved their chicken nuggets so Ashtray is taking me there.

"do you wanna go to the drive-through or.." "no it's okay I'll walk in" I said and he nodded parking his car "here take this" he said handing me a hundred-dollar bill. "no worries babe I have money" I said kissing his cheek.

"wait! is it my money or yours?" he asked "mine of course" I chuckled at his weird question "nope take mine," he said "babe it's ok-" "don't even try arguing with me" he said seriously.

I took the money and kissed him again thanking him, I looked at my phone one last time before leaving.

I slammed the door and jogged away.

-Ashtray's pov-

Y/n slammed the door of my car shaking the whole fucking thing "what the fuck!" I mumbled in shock.

I saw Y/n walk back again and she opened my door and asked me if I wanted anything "just a McFlury please" I said and she nodded closed or should I say slamming the door.

This time she did it stronger which Shaked the whole car.

Nahh I'm not again

I pressed on the horn signaling her to come back, When she did I opened the door and looked at her mad.

"ma what the hell!!" I yelled "what?" she said "don't act fucking dumb, why are you slamming the fucking door huh!?".

"Y/n you know how much this shit cost! I don't need my dumb girlfriend to destroy that for me" I yelled in rage.

"what was that for?" I say and she didn't look at me.

"I'm talking to you" I said getting pissed.

Y/n head was down and I hear her sniff which brought me back to reality, my face softened and my heart ached.

"I'm sorry" she cried and I immediately pulled her into a hug, she cried into my chest making me regret everything I said.

"b-baby I'm sorry it was a s-stupid prank" she cried "no no it's okay, I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you, I'm sorry" I said kissing her head.

After 5 minutes Y/n calmed down and looked up at me with her bloodshot eyes "can you forgive me" she said and I nodded pecking her lips.

"Now don't cry, the only tears I wanna see come out of your eyes are happy tears okay" I said wiping her tears away.

"okay" she said softly.

"do you want me to come in with you" I asked and she shook her head "I don't feel like eating anymore" she said and I frowned "no baby we are going to get you, your food now come in" I said and she sat back next to me.

I placed my hands on her thigh to calm her down and he smiled holding onto my hand as we entered the drive-through.

We got our food and went back to the pranking lot, I pulled my seat backward and patted my lap for Y/n to come sit on it.

She did and rested her head on my chest quietly eating her nuggets while listing to the soft music playing.

"I love you princess" I said kissing her head, she smiled and said "I love you too"




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Q: what's your favorite car?

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