Filming pt.2 (JV)

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WC: 839

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Requested: Yes by everyone <3


Today was the day Gabriella and Stanley hanging out in the arcade and him getting jealous and there first kiss.

We were going to film in an actual arcade so the producers booked the whole arcade for us "alright guys you too are just going to play and have fun" he said "we could totally do that" we said happily.

Javon and I played a dozen of games, we even had to replay them because we would accidentally yell our real names and not our characters.

We bought slushies and had a contest on who would finish there first which only ended up with us getting a brain freeze.

Gabriella was talking to  Lucas a guy she just met and he was flirting with her which made Stanley mad and punch him in the face. they had a little fight but Y/n separated them and pulled Stanley out of the arcade.

"Alright Y/n/n wanna right now you're going to have your fight scene you ready" they asked and we nodded,

We got in our places and started acting after we heard 'action'

"what the hell!?" I yelled "what?" "what? Really stan you just punched a boy!" I said madly "why did you do that?" "Because..I just felt like it" he said.

"that is not a good answer! You shouldn't have punched him, you didn't only hurt yourself but him" I said "and why do you care if he's hurt" "because he's a person and I care about people" "are you sure you're not in love with him"

"what? In love with him? Are you crazy!" "I saw the way you were looking at him" he said mad "first of all I wasn't looking at him in that way and second of all even if I did why would you care" Stanley was quiet and I sighed.

"let's go clean you up" I said holding his hand and walking away.

"cut! That was great guys now let's go back to set and film the other scene" they said.

When we came to set we saw that the other cast were here "what are you guys doing here?" I asked "you guys are having your kissing scene we couldn't miss that" Aidan said and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"They can't all be here" Javon said to the producers "no come on no we have to see that" David Castañeda said "it's fine let them be here"

Javon and I re-read our lines and were doing good until the kiss part came "we should go back to set" he said and I nodded.

"alright guys get into your places" "Y/n! Javon! Are going to kiss!!" "shut up" we yelled in union making the whole crew laugh.

-Javon's pov-

Stanley was sitting on the countertop of the kitchen while Gabriella was between my legs cleaning my knuckles "I'm sorry" I mumbled but she didn't speak "gabby I'm sorry I didn't mean to punch him"

"yea but you did" she said cleaning the fake blood "I said I'm sorry" "well that's not good enough" she said and I sighed "gabby look at me" I said and when she didn't I placed my fingers under her chin and made her look at me.

I looked deep into her beautiful eyes and said "I like you..I like you a lot and when I saw the guy flirting with you I got jealous and couldn't help it" I said "stan you have nothing to worry about" "yea?" I whispered "mhmm"

She leaned in and we locked lips, I placed my hands on her waist and deepened the kiss.

The kiss was magical, I felt fireworks explode in my heart, it was amazing, she was amazing.

We pulled away and looked at each other and blushed smiling like idiots


Everyone clapped and cheered, Y/n laughed and covered her face "aww look at Y/n she's flustered" Ritu Arya said making me laugh "fuck you guys" I joked and pulled Y/n backstage and left the set from the exit.

"They are so annoying" I laughed "yea so annoying" Y/n replied and we walked in silence for a bit "you know that was my first kiss" Y/n said "me too" "really?" "yea and it was amazing" I said and she blushed "your right it was amazing"

"Y/n I actually do like you..more than a friend" I said and she stopped in her tracks "wait really?" "yea really, Y/n your beautiful, smart, funny, talented and just overall amazing, how couldn't I like you"

"And I wanna take you on a real date sometime if you want to" "of course I wanna go out with you" she said making my heart skip a beat "Javon I like you too" "so you won't mind if we recreated our kissing scene" I said and she giggled "try and find out"

I pulled her in and locked our lips together, she immediately smiled and placed her hands around my shoulders.

This must be the happiest moment in my life




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