I think its going to rain (ST)

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WC: 250

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: cute

Requested: no


"I think it might rain," I told my boyfriend glancing up at the sky which was covered with a layer of dark clouds.  

We were laying on the beach, after a long day of playing around in the sand and water "Nah, I think we'll be good," he said wearing his sunglasses "If we get soaked, then I'm blaming it on you" I said making him chuckle and pull my body closer to his. 

I was in one of his t-shirts which were damp from the still wet swimsuit I was wearing under it. 

As we were laying there, I started to feel small raindrops hit my face, and Stanley turned to me.

Suddenly it all hit at once and rain started pouring down from the dark clouds above us "I told you" I yelled over the sound of the rain. 

He smirked, standing up and reaching his hand down for me to grab, I furrowed my eyebrows, but grabbed his hand and let him hoist me up on my feet. 

Stanley ran into the empty beach, as people had left once it started raining, and he pulled me with him. 

"Wanna dance cutie" he asked me "But there's no music" I giggled but he didn't care "so?" I bit my lip, holding back a smile and I wrapped my arms around his neck, as his went around my waist holding me close to him. 

We swayed back and forth, and I leaned my head back, feeling the cold rain hit my face. We were now both completely soaked. I brought my head back down, to see Stanley looking at me with adoration in his eyes. 

I rested my head on his shoulder, and he planted soft kisses on his neck and shoulders. We stayed like that, just slowly swaying back and forth. I pulled my head up and looked at my boyfriend to see a smile on his face.

I leaned in, locking my lips with his, he smiled into the kiss, gliding his hands down to my hips pulling them against his own.  

We pulled away eventually, our cheeks both flustered, and our breathing faster than normal. I stared at him, admiring the way the raindrops were running down his face. 

"I found a new reason to love the rain," I said, my voice just above a whisper "and I found the best girlfriend in the world," he remarked, making my heart swell. 

"Well where is she?" I asked, jokingly, swiveling my head around, pretending to look. He laughed, pulling me into his chest. I could hear his heart beating fast, and it made my smile grow even wider. 

"Gosh, I really love you," he breathed out "I love you too" I said, quietly smiling.




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Q: Do you love the rain?

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