you like someone (JV)

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WC: 468

Your ages in this imagine: 14-15

Requested: no


"Hey I heard Javon likes someone" I heard as I eavesdrop on David Castaneda and Arya's conversation. 

I knew I shouldn't but they were right there, I couldn't help myself.

"Yeah he told me, that boy couldn't stop talking about her" Arya said, 

Javon and I are best friends how come he didn't tell me? we tell each other everything! The fact that he didn't tell me hurts, but knowing that I lost my chance with him hurt a little more. 

I decided to confront him about it.

Walking up to his trailer, I had prepared the conversation in my head. I stepped on the steps and knocked, hoping he was inside. 

"Come in!" he yells. I open the door "Y/n! Hey, what's up?" he asks, placing his script down. "Hey Javon" I reply "How's it go-" "I heard you like someone" I blurt. 

I didn't mean to be that straightforward. It was obvious he was taken aback. 

"W-Where did you hear that?" he said nervously "I may or may not heard it in David and Arya's conversation, but that's beside the point. Why didn't I tell me? I thought we tell each other everything! and like when Arya said you couldn't stop talking about her? How come I've never heard of this? and like I'm sure that girl is lovely because she somehow maybe I notice her-" "Y/n, you ranting" he chuckled.

"Sorry" I mumble "It's fine, I'll tell you who it is" he said walking up to me 

Oh god, I'm about to get my heart broken 

"Okay well 3 days ago, she wore her favorite hoodie and grey sweats with her Nike air force ones. She had her hair in a messy bun, she also was wearing the neckless I bought her for her birthday and she looked absolutely stunning"

I remembered that outfit, I thought I looked horrible cuz it was so early in the morning "I-" "It's always been you y/n" Javon grabs my hands in his. 

"You like me" I quietly ask. "How could I not?" he laughed and I felt my cheeks heat up. I smile at him, I then notice his eyes flicker to my lips then back to my eyes. 

Javon starts leaning in "can I?" he whispered and I nodded so he finally placed his lips on mine.

Javon's hands went on my hips, my arms wrap around his neck, once I pull away, we both rest our foreheads against each other.

"I have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" he whispered and I giggled "me too"




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Q: Do yall think Stanley is coming back in tua season 4?

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