Study date (ST)

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WC: 250

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: cute

Requested: no


I was in math class and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. 

Y/n Y/l/n

Everyone had a crush on her, she's beautiful, smart, and funny literally perfect.

"hargreeves!" my teacher Mr. Smith yelled I looked at him and said "Yeah?" "See me after class." I sighed. "Ms. Y/l/n see me after class as well!" After class finished I got up quickly and tried to make it out of class before Mr. Smith caught me. 

"Mr. hargreeves where in gods name do I think you're doing" he said and I muttered "Nothing." I walked back over to Mr. Smith's desk and smiled at Y/n she smiled back 

"Ms. Y/l/n, since you are the highest in my class you will be helping Mr. hargreeves here study, seeing as he can't concentrate during class." 

"Dismissed" He said and we both walked out, we looked at each other and Y/n finally broke the silence "let's exchange numbers" she said and I handed her my phone and she handed me hers. 

I was just going to write Stanely my name but then thought of a better name "Future husband" she handed my phone back to me and I noticed she put her name as "girl who I drool over in math" she walked away and I rushed off to my next class. 

-Time skip-

Y/n came to my house and we started studying and teaching me how to solve the equation "And that's how I solve for x" Y/n said confidently. 

"That makes more sense now, thank you" "You're welcome." It made a little more sense now, but I still didn't fully understand it. 

It wasn't really my fault either, I just couldn't stop staring at Y/n's lips. she caught on to what I was staring at and said "I know, I'll let you kiss me if you finish up the homework page" She said with a smirk.

"What would it take for me to take you out on a date?" I asked her "Hmm," she thought for a while before saying, "depending on if you're a good kisser or not"

A few minutes have passed and I have finally finished up my homework, with Y/n's help of course. 

"So can I have my kiss now?" I asked her politely "Yes, you may." "Wait before we kiss, do you do this with every guy who I help study?" I asked and she giggled.

"Nope, you're an exception because I find you cute" she said and we leaned in and kissed, she was just going to peck my lips but I made the kiss more deep and passionate.

After a few seconds we pulled away "Pick me up on Friday at 7" She kissed my cheek and walked away and out of my room.




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Q: Where is Stanley taking us on a date?

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