Cramps (ST)

1.9K 29 9

WC: 336 

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: cute

Requested: no


my cramps were horrible.

I felt like I was being stabbed repeatedly in my lower stomach.

I groaned as another cramp comes in, seemingly tearing apart my abdomen.

"Baby?" I heard my boyfriend opening the door "yea?" I said my voice bearly above a whisper.

"Baby what's wrong? are you okay?" he asked concerned. "Yea- oh hurts" I whimpered.

"Oh baby..." Stanley muttered sympathetically "Here, lay down" He helped me lay back on my bed, slightly propped up against the backboard and pillows.

He left the room and came back with a hot water bottle and some snacks. He grabbed the remote and turned on my favorite movie.

He climbed into my bed and cuddle me close, playing with my hair and occasionally rubbing my stomach gently.

He gave me reassuring kisses from time to time on my forehead, cheeks, nose, and even lips.

I felt loved.

I looked up at my boyfriend and felt my eyes tear up, he looked down at me and frowned "baby what's wrong?" he asked worriedly. 

"A-are you hurt? do you want-NEED anything" I shook my head and turned around to face him "I love you Stanley hargreeves" I cup his face and peck his lips "I love you more" he smiled pulling me in for another kiss.




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AN: write a tip or a fact that will help a girl on her period :)  

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