Jealous (ST)

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WC: 678

Your ages in this imagine: 17

Requested: Yes @Bennyroddriguez @cornycheeses


Stanley and I started dating and it was amazing, he's such an amazing boyfriend and I love him.

We sat in class together and the teacher told us that we have a project to do and partnered us with random people thank god I was with one of my friends.

While I was taking notes I heard Stanly's laugh which made me smile, I turned around and saw him laugh with his partner who's a girl, look I'm not the jealous type but for some reason when I got a little.

I looked around for my highlighters and remembered I forgot them with Stanley so I got up and walked toward them "hey babe can you give me my highlighters please" I said since his bag in right under him.

"I'm busy talking to Samantha can't you do it" he said and I was a bit surprised "o-okay" I took the highlighters and went back to my table.

I was a bit hurt by his reply but I just brushed it off

The bell rang and I garbed my bag and locked hands with my boyfriend and walked to the cafeteria but the whole time there he was talking to Samantha which bugged me.

They kept laughing and giggling I felt like a third wheel, I got mad and left the table without a word.

Stanley called my name but I ignored him and went to class.

-Stanley's pov-

Ever since lunch my girlfriend had been ignoring me and I don't know why "Y/n baby please talk to me" I whined "fine just tell me are you mad at me" I said and she looked at me and shut locker.

She walked away and when I tried to hold her hand, she pushed it away I tried making her talk but she didn't let out a word.

Y/n walked to one of our friends and spoke "hey y/f/n I'm free tonight if you want to come to my place to study" "what no!" I said and y/f/n looked at me confused "Y/n I thought you were coming to my place for a movie night" I said.

"so what do you say" Y/n said y/f/n and he looked at both of us "Y/n didn't you hear Stanley?" y/f/n asked and Y/n shook her head "he says you guys are having a movie night" "oh you can tell Stanley that I won't be coming, he can have it with his new friend Samantha" Y/n said walking away.

Oh my god

How didn't I see this, I'm so dumb!

I walked with Y/n to her house and got in, she was going to close her room but I placed my foot in before she could.

Y/n groaned and threw her bag on the floor and got in bed, she faced the was crossed her arms.

I got in bed and tried to cuddle her but she pushed me away but I placed my arms around her again, Y/n stopped trying to move my hands away after she got tired of trying.

"babe" I whispered kissing her cheek "baby?" *kiss* "mi amor" I tried and then sighed thinking of another nickname.

Minutes later I found one and it made me smile just thinking of it, I got up a little and whispered in her ears "wifey"

Y/n immediately smiled "ha I made you smile" I said and she giggled "please talk to me now" I said and she turned around to face me "hi" I smiled and she giggled again "hi Stanley"

"I love you" I said "and I'm still mad at you for ignoring me" she said and I frowned "I'm sorry baby" I said and she didn't say anything "I'm sorry Mrs. hargreeves" I said and she smiled hugging me.

"I forgive you" she said making me smile "you like it when I call you my wife?" I said and she nodded "I love it" she said and I smiled tugging her hair behind her ear "I love you" I said kissing her "I love you too"




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