flinch (AT)

4.2K 51 22

WC: 443

Your ages in this imagine: 17

Type of imagine: sad, mention of abuse

Requested: no


Ashtray and I were currently fighting, I came back home late last night and Ashtray did not like that.

"Ash what's the problem" I say "I were out all fucking night y/n" he shouts "it's not like I was with strangers I was with my friends" I said. "You could have been cheating on me for all I fucking know" he shouts "wow Ashtray you really think I would do some shit like that to you" I say hurt. 

Why would he even think that. 

I would never ever cheat on Ashtray. 

"Who fucking knows you didn't even fucking text me!!" he shouts throwing his hands up. I flinch thinking he was gonna hit me. 

I throw my hands over my face closing my eyes. 

"Did you just flinch" he says and I could see the sadness in his eyes, "did you really think I was gonna hit you" he says still holding my hands. "I-I mean yea...I was in an abusive relationship before and I..he...used to do that" I said feeling embarrassed yet sad just remembering those horrible meomeries.

"oh my fucking god I would never lay my hand on you like that EVER" he says pulling me into his embrace, I felt my eyes tear up and hid my face into his neck.

"I'm so fucking sorry I love you so much" he says as I quietly cry into his neck hugging him back" "why didn't you tell me this before" he says hugging me tighter. 

"I didn't know, I just didnt think it was THATimprotant" I said "What? of course it's important, that's somthing huge that happned to you, my love, princess and world" he says "who was it?" he asked.

"who?" "the fucker who did this to you" he said and i furrowed my eyebrows "why?" "just answer the question..please amor" "ex/n" i said and he smiled kissing my forehead "just wait here, I'll be back in no time" he said wearing his jacket.

Oh no what is he going to do.

-Ashtary's pov-

I gathered all my frineds and went to beat up that asshole who abusied my girl.

When I came back home Y/n was aruprised to see my bloody knuckles and helped me clean up. she scolded me a little but I didnt care.

When she was done I thanked her by kissing her lips and pulled her in for a long hug then went up to our room and watched her favorite movie cuddle all night.




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Q: How is your summer going?

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