Hunted house (ST)

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WC: 913

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: cool

Requested: yes onwardtyler


I was born with the powers to fly and disappear and of course, I would sometimes take advantage of that like on the day of my parent's funeral when people would look for me so that they could place me in an orphanage since I had no one else.

They of course didn't find me and decided to give up a week later when this whole time I was in our house but don't worry that was 10 years ago and now I'm 16 living my best life.

I visited my parents from time to time and today I decided to go again.

When I came back to my house I saw people inside.


I used my powers, made myself invisible, and then got in to see what these people are doing.

There were 9 people and a woman in a suit "how much did you say this house was again" the short guy asked "4.9 million" she said.

I mean I'm not surprised, our house is basically a mansion.

"That's a lot but I mean look at this place" a girl-I mean guy said, cool he's trans.

"Dibs on the big room" the youngest said, he was about to run when his father held onto him "slow down stan the grownups pick first" he said and the boy groaned "Stanley go explore the place" his mother said.

As the boy walked away I got an idea.

There is no way I'm letting these people buy my family's house

I followed the boy and when we were alone I placed my feet Infront of him causing him to trip "ughh what the fuck" he mumbled getting up, he looked around and when he saw no one he shrugged and continued walking.

I went to the kitchen and I decided to open the fridge door slowly which quickly garbed his attention, he walked and closed it, when he was close I pressed on the water button and water started coming out.

"shit!!" he looked around for the napkins and when he saw the big roll he used his throwing it on the floor.

He's such an idiot

A cute idiot.

I tried to hold my laughter, his family walked in on him 'cleaning' the floor "Stanley what did you do?!" a woman I'm guessing his aunt said. "it wasn't me I swear" he said "so what the fridge just did that by itself" his uncle said "yes!" Stanley yelled sounding like an idiot.

"Stanley go wait outside where you cant cause trouble" his mother said and he was going to say something but his father stopped him "now".

-Stanley's pov-

I walked out of the house and waited in the garden "stupid house" I muttered kicking the bush, suddenly the bush hit me back surprised me.

I hit it again and it hit me back again, a small branch smacked my face lightly "are you alive?" I asked it and it started to shake and my eyes widened. I ran into the house and things started to fall and break scaring the shit out of me.

I ran to my family and yelled "this house is hunted" they all looked at me like I was crazy. They were in the massive library, books suddenly started to fall from the shelves shocking them.

The chair int the desk started to turn around and the lamp started to flicker "how is this happening?! I don't see any ghost" uncle Klaus said. "if it's not a ghost then what is it!?" ben yelled "someone is here, I can feel it" uncle victor said.

Uncle victor scanned to the room and told us to quickly get out, we all ran out the door and he screamed using his powers and suddenly a loud thud was heard against a bookshelf and a girl appeared out of nowhere.

We all looked at her in shock, my father and uncles ran to her "what the hell" she muttered holding her forehead "oh my god are you okay" my aunt Sloan asked "yea" she said getting up.

"Who are you" "what are you doing here" "were you the one who did all these things" there were so many questions asked and I could see she couldn't keep up so told everyone to shut up.

"what's your name" I asked her "none of your business" she said "it kinda is since you basically vandalized our new home" my father said "that's not your home it's mine, it's my family's and I'm not letting you people have it".

"last time we checked the owners died years ago" uncle Luther said "wait are you Y/n Y/l/n" uncle five asked her "I'll say it again since you don't understand it. None. Of. Your. Business." "alright move away, I heard a rumor you'll answer all our questions truthfully. Now, what's your name and age.

She tried to resist it but couldn't "Y/n Y/l/n and I'm 16 years old" "people though you died where did you hide for all these years" my mother asked "I've been leaving here the whole time" "how didn't you get caught" "because I use my powers".

"what are your powers" "invisibility, Flying, and I'm able to walk through and object, sold or not" my aunt let go of her and she got back to reality "how did you do that? Wait who-what are you people'

"the umbrella academy"




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