stickers on hoodies (JV)

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WC: 313

Your ages in this imagine: 16

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I was laying on Javon's bed clearly bored while he was on his desk learning his lines, and writing something on the paper. 

"Javon" I called "Yes baby?" He didn't even look at me "Javonnn!" I whined "Yes baby?" his eyes were still on the paper making me groan. 

-Javon's pov- 

I was writing on my papers until y/n sat on my lap making me smile "Hi" I said and she smiled "take a break" she said playing the strings on my hoodie.

"Just give me 5 more minutes" I said and she groaned "you said that 20 minutes ago, 20 MINUTES AGO!!" she said cupping my cheeks "do you not love me" "of course I love you" I chuckled.

"Five more minutes" I said pecking her lips "fine but I'm staying here" she said hugging me"fine by me" I kissed her head and continue with my work.

10 minutes later I was done and turned around to see my girlfriend from the mirror of my closet, she was placing stickers from the paper on my hoodie which I did notice until now. 

I got up and held her so she wouldn't fall, I took us to the bed, and she was she was still placing stickers on my hoodie while I admired her. 

"You done?" Y/n asked looking at me "yea I'm done we can do whatever you want now" I said and she thought for a second "I'm hungry" she pouted "awww my baby is hunger what do you want to eat" I asked "your famous grilled cheese sandwich" she said making me smile.

"Alright princess lets go make your sandwich" I said taking her downstairs to the kitchen




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Q: What's the best grilled cheese sandwich you ate?

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