Argument pt.2 (JV)

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WC: 823

Your ages in this imagine: 16-17

Type of imagine: sad, cute

Requested: yes

I also was to give credit to these people for helping me: ash_haley & @yourmom_3000


-Javon's pov-

It's been 5 days since our fight, I tried calling and texting her but she wouldn't respond or reply. She blocked me on social all social media and ignore me at school.

It's been killing me
I need her
I know I messed up but how could I fix this.

I tried to call her phone again but it only kept ringing and ringing and ringing. I felt my heart ache when I heard her voice mail.

I miss her

I felt my eyes tear up at the thought of losing her, I don't want to lose her I love her. I went to my sister for advice but she said "sorry Javon I can't help you in this one, you need to fix this all on your own"

I went to my father and mother and they said the same thing "but you know an apology is the first thing you need to tell her" my mom said "but how can I apologize when she wouldn't even look at me!" "If you really love her you'll find a way to talk to her"

I went back to my room and lay on my bed thinking of ways to apologize.

I first had to buy her a gift, I got up and drove to target. I then wrote her a letter and bought her flowers.

I was going to give Y/n everything tomorrow but the thought of losing Y/n made me worry. I quickly garbed everything and placed it in my backpack.

I got in my car and drove to her house which thankfully wasn't that far.

I knew her parents would be asleep so I climbed the tree and knocked on her window.

-Y/n's pov-

I couldn't sleep so I decided to take a shower, after I was done I wore Javon's hoodie, even though I'm still mad at him, I missed him a lot.

I heard a knock on my window scaring the shit out of me, I looked at the time and frowned

It's 12:36

I got up and walked to my window pushing the curtains aside to see my boyfriend on the other side/

My eyes widened in shock, I opened the window and asked what is he doing here "I need to talk to you" he said "Javon it's midnight!" I whisper yell.

"Y/n please let me in, I promise I won't take much of your time" he said and I sighed "fine come in, but be quiet"

I let him in and I sat on the bed with my arms crossed waiting to hear what he got.

"Y/n I'm so sorry, I didn't mean what I said days ago I swear you are not clingy or selfish, I know what I did was wrong and you are right, you always are and that's why I love you. I love you Y/n and I can't lose you you're the best thing that ever happened to me. I bought you your favorite flowers" he said getting out a bouquet of my favorite flowers.

"I made you an apology basket with all your favorite things a-and even wrote you a letter telling how s-sorry I am" he said showing me the things with teary eyes.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, so much p-please don't leave me" he broke down causing my heart to break "Javon I would never leave you" I said hugging him tightly.

"I love you so much that I can't even think of breaking up with you" I said tearing up "baby don't cry" I said whipping his tears away.

"you're crying too" he chuckled wiping my tears away, I smiled and he leaned in locking our lips together.

We smiled into the kiss and he cupped my cheek deepening it, when we pulled away we had a childish grin on our faces "does that mean I'm forgiven and you'll talk to me again" he said and I nodded "I forgive you".

He looked down at my clothes and smiled "is that mine?" "yup" I smiled "is there a problem?" "no you just look better in it" he said and I blushed "thank you".

"I better go now" he said and I frowned "can't you just stay here tonight?" I said "I wanna cuddle with you" I said and he smiled cutely "of course I can".

We got in bed and I rested my head on his chest hearing his soft heartbeats while he played with my hair "goodnight" I mumbled feeling my eyes close up "good night baby, sweet dreams" he kissed my head making me smile.




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AN: I tried combining the ideas together, hope you liked it!!

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