Fainting (ST)

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WC: 658

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: cute, worried Boyfriend

Requested: no


Because Stanley is a Hargreeves so he was gifted with powers, with these powers came his strength in working out.

Stanley can work out longer, faster, and harder than a normal human being.

I love working out with my boyfriend because even though he could do much better he is always with me and engorges me to continue through the whole workout.

I changed my clothes and went to his house because they had their own gym since his uncle Luther loves to work out.

"hey baby" I smiled walking into the huge gym room "hey sexy" he smirked kissing my lips "damn you look fine as hell" he said twirling me around, his eyes checking my fit or should I say body.

"okay stop it" I giggled.

"alright my pretty girl what do you wanna do first" he said and I shrugged "treadmill?" I suggested "treadmill it is!"

After we ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes we did situps, pushups, and plank 20 times each then jumped rope for 10 minutes and lifted some weight up.

"all right now let's do some ()" he said "okay let's go' I said trying to act normal.

I was tired and wanted to say something but my boyfriend was so happy that we were doing this together "I have so many things I want to do today" he said.

Oh god.

While we were doing walk downs I felt dizzy so I stopped and went to get some water "babe you okay" he asked and I nodded.

My head was pounding so bad "Y/n are you sure" he asked coming towards me, before I could open my mouth and say anything I felt my whole body shut down.

-Stanley's pov-

I caught Y/n's body before it hit the ground and called for help.

I picked her up and ran out "HELP! MOM DAD ANYONE" I yelled "Stanley wh-oh shit" my uncle five came and called uncle Luther.

"what happened" he asked "I-I don't know we were working out and she stopped to get water and the next thing I knew she fainted" I told them.

"she's warm and by the looks of it she probably overworked herself" he said laying her down.

"w-what are you doing! We need to take her to the hospital" I told my uncle Luther "calm don't stan, we don't need to take her anywhere, she needs to rest in a cool place" he said.

"stay with her she can wake up at any moment" he said getting up "don't worry your girlfriend is going to be fine" he said patting my back.

Uncle Luther left and I sat beside Y/n waiting for her to wake up.

-20 minutes later-

I started to get worried she wasn't going to wake up but thankfully moments later she starts to shift a little.

She opened her eyes and smiled lightly at me.

"oh thank god! are you okay" I said hugging her "I thought I was going to lose you" "what happened, wait why am I here" she asked confused.

"baby you fainted" I told her "what" "but don't worry, how do you feel" I said holding her forehead "okay I guess" she said.

"you should've told me you were tired" I said "you were so happy and I didn't want to ruin it" she said and I sighed "yes I was excited to workout with you but you know me. Please next time tell me when you're tired because cuddling with you sounds much better" I said making her smile.

"can we cuddle then" "of course but let's take a shower first" I said helping her up.




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Q: what do you think Stanley's powers would be? 

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