Fight (JV)

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WC: 789

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Requested: danicannon27


Right now Jayla, Kylee, and I are getting ready to pull a huge but great prank on my boyfriend Javon aka her brother.

We are going fake a huge argument and as a daughter of a famous actor, I was able to pull a couple strings and get my hands on fake glass.

A vase to be more precise.

That was what she was going to smash it against my head, yes smash it.

"yea I'm worried, I don't want to hurt you Y/n" "don't worry Jayla you just have to smash it hard on my head because the harder you smash it the less pain I feel and that's how fake glass works" "are you sure" "yes Kylee I'm sure now come on let's go in!!" I said pulling the two girls out.

As soon as we got in the house we started yelling at each other.

-Javon's pov-

Jaden and I were playing on the PS5 when we started hearing yelling so we quickly ran downstairs and saw my girlfriend and sister yelling at each other.

"what's going on" I asked but they didn't answer me and kept yelling at each other "I told you I didn't take it!" Y/n yelled "liar I saw you!" Jayla yelled and Jaden yelled "who took what!?" "shut up!!" both girls yelled.

"Ughhh your so annoying" Jayla groaned "if only I could lay my hands on you" she said and Y/n scoffed "do it do you really think I'm scared" "no, no, no, we don't need anyone hurting each other" I said.

Y/n and Jayla started pulling each other's hair and Y/n seemed to win, she pushed Jayla aside "bitch" she muttered and Jayla garbed a vase and smashed it on her head.

"Jayla!!" Y/n fell to the ground and we ran to her "Y/n Y/n wake up" I said shaking her but she didn't wake up "oh my god Jayla what the fuck!"

"Y/n baby are you dead? Please don't be dead I love you" I said feeling my eyes tear up "someone call 911!" I yelled as tears ran down my face "shit we're going to jail" Jaden said horrified.

Jayla and Kylee started laughing and we looked at them "oh my god guys calm down it's just a prank" she said "prank? You just smashed glass on my girlfriend's head!" I yelled "calm down wanna it was fake glass" Kylee said.

"Y/n wake up come on" Jayla said shaking Y/n but she didn't wake up "girl come on the prank is over" Kylee said worriedly.

"Y/n wake up! Y/n!! shit why isn't she waking up" Jayla said "you guys said fake glass right" Jaden said and they nodded "did you mean THAT fake glass" he said pointing at the vase on the counter.

Jayla and Kylee looked at it and gasped "No" I gasped "I think we just killed Y/n"

"ha we got you!" Daelo said coming out of nowhere "what?" "it's a prank" Y/n said getting up "we got you! I got you!" Daelo said happily "I told you I could pull a prank on all of you" he said.

"wait you're not dead" I asked my girlfriend "no I'm so sorry I didn't know you'll start crying" she said whipping my tears away "what the fuck you scared the shit out of us!" Jayla said wiping her teary eyes.

"oh guys I'm so sorry Daelo knew about our prank and was going to snitch on us and that was the only way to make sure he wouldn't so I brought two fake vases" I said "Daelo I'm going to kill you" Jaden said running after our little brother.

"I need Starbucks" Jayla said "me too let's go" Kylee said and they both went away.

"baby you okay" Y/n asked turning around to face me, I hugged her lightly and said "I hate you" she giggled and hugged me back "I'm sorry I didn't know you'll cry" she said creasing my cheek.

"How could I not cry? Y/n I love you so much, I thought you died, I thought lost you" I said tearing up again "no don't cry I love you too" she said "sure you do"

"I do!" she said and I looked away "mhmm" "Javon" she said and I didn't look at her "Javon wanna Walton" "yes miss Y/n Y/l/n" I looked at her and raised a brow "I love you" she said.

"I. love. You." she said and "I don't believe you" I said and she leaned in and kissed me passionately, I smiled and cupped her cheeks deepening the kiss "do you believe me now" she whispered and I nodded.




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Q: Do you think daelo is a prankster

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