haunted house. pt 3 (ST)

1.5K 18 9

WC: 773

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: idk you tell me

Requested: yes by everyone 


"baby is that you?" Stanley asked walking around the room "yes, yes it's me!" I yelled and looked around his room and saw my phone.

I quickly ran to it and looked at it.

God I hope this work

I placed my hand over my phone and it glowed grabbing my boyfriend's attention. He quickly sat on the bed and looked at my phone.

-Stanley's pov-

For some reason when I saw Y/n's phone open moments this weird thing happened, I ran to my bed and took her phone putting in its pin code, and went to message "I might be crazy but Y/n if you're here please try and text something" I said hoping for a miracle to happen.


Was written and my heart dropped "baby what's wrong, are you in danger, please appear I wanna see you" I said looking around and back at the phone

I cant

"what? cant what? Cant appear again"


She wrote and I panicked "what do you mean you can't appear again, so what your stuck?" I said and she wrote 'yes' again.

I quickly got up and got my family awake "what the hell!?" my father said mad "this better be important or i-" I cut off my uncle five by saying "Y/n is here but something wrong with her powers and now she's stuck" I said.

They were all surprised and confused at the same time.

"How is she stuck?" uncle Luther said "and how do you know" uncle ben said and I showed them the phone "Y/n tell them" I said they saw how the phone texted on its on.

Guys, please help!!

She wrote and they couldn't believe it "Y/n is that really you" Klaus said

Yes asshole now help me


"yup that's Y/n" my mom chuckled then realized "wait Y/n omg!" everyone started to panic and yell random idea's on how to help my girlfriend.

The flashlight on the phone started coming on and off "shit sorry babe" I said looking at what she wrote.


She was wrong and it finally hit me "guys we need uncle victor!" I yelled "but victor is on holiday" "I think he's going to want to help my girlfriend" I said annoyed.

We got into the car and drove to the hotel my uncle was staying at, we were surprised when he was us all at his door late at night. He was more surprised when we told him what happened.

"I don't know how to fix this but I'll try to communicate with her" he said and the next thing we knew his eyes started to glow.

-Y/n's pov-

Victor used his powers and was able to see me "Y/n what's wrong, what happened" he said and I started to cry "I don't know I wanted to prank Stanley but before I could I found out that I couldn't get back to normal and now I'm stuck and I'm scared and-" victor pulled me into a hug.

After a while he tried something on me which was so painful it made me fall to the ground "Y/N!!" I heard my boyfriend say.

Stanley took me into his arms and I couldn't believe it, I started to cry into him. The family asked if I was okay and I nodded "then why are you crying" five asked.

"I couldn't come back I-I was so scared I cried "I thought I would lose you" Stanley hugged me tighter and kissed my head "I would never leave you Y/n/n".

After my break down the family decided to stay at the hotel since it was already late at night and everyone was too tired to get home.

Stanley and I shared a room, we brought both beds together and made one huge bed, we got in and we both cuddled close to each other.

Stanley played with my hair gentling rubbing my back with his hands and placing kissed on me telling me how much he loves me.

Because of everything that happened today I was so tired and hand no energy to say or do anything so my boyfriend's action's made me fall asleep in no time.

I really felt loved.

I'm so glad I found the umbrella academy




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