Is the secret out? pt.2 (ST)

2K 30 15

WC: 525

Your ages in this imagine: 16-17

Type of imagine: cute

Requested: yes red_is_gay15


I felt a sneeze come up.

No. no. no.

I closed my nose, mouth, and eyes. I don't know why I closed my eyes but I just did.

His family finally gave in and believed my boyfriend's lie, they started to walk away and the sneeze started to drift away so I let go but my body fucking tricked me.

As soon as I opened my eyes and saw the light a small sneeze escaped my mouth.

I felt my heart drop.

"what was that" they asked "what was what?" my boyfriend replied "that sound" "what sound? I didn't hear anything" he said.

"no no I heard it too" his uncle five said "I don't know what you're talking about" Stanley said "where did it come from" Allison said "it came from..." I started to hear five's footsteps coming closer toward me.

Stanley stood Infront of my hiding place and his uncle told him to move away "no I don't think it necessary" he told him "Stanley move." Five said sternly and he did.

Five kneeled down and caught me making full eye contact, he smirked and said "bingo!"

Diego came and bent down to see me "Y/n what are you doing here?" he asked surprised to see me "umm homework" I said getting out of my hiding space.

"homework under the counter?" they said not believing my lie "wait is that Stanly's hoodie..and sweatpants" his mom pointed out.

"oh yea I bought that for him" Klaus slurred "okay enough with the lies what the hell is going on here" his aunt Allison said "don't you dare lie to us, I'll use my powers on you" she said.

I looked at my boyfriend who shrugged "fine we're ummm me and Y/n is actually a...Fuck! Okay so Y/n is my girlfriend" Stanley finally said.

"Y/n is this true?" Lila asked and I nodded hugging my boyfriend.

"wait how long had this been going?" Luther asked "two months" we replied and his dad yelled "YES! I WIN!!" confusing us.

"win what?" we asked and his mom groaned "couldn't you two get together earlier" his mother said and we saw his aunts and uncle get money out of their wallets and give them to Diego.

"Wait what the hell is going on?" my boyfriend asked seriously.

"dumbass we already knew something was going on between you and Y/n so we all placed a bet on how long you too were dating, I said 4 months, your mom said 3, Diego said 2 and well you get it" ben said.

"Are you guys serious, so your not mad or anything?" he asked "no why would we be mad, we love Y/n!" Klaus said "aww thank you" I said.

"great so we don't need to keep this a secret" Stanley said happily and I nodded "so I cant do this anytime I want," he said kissing me passionately.

I pulled away blushing "aww you guys are adorable" Sloane said and five fake gagged making us all laugh.

I looked up at my boyfriend and smiled, he looked down and kissed my temple.

I guess the secret is out now.




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Q: did your body ever trick you in any way?

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