makeout (JV)

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WC: 332 

Your ages in this imagine: 16 

Requested: no 


I moved out of Javon's arms causing them to go right back around me, I turned my head and giggled at my boyfriend.

"Baby I'm thirsty I want to get some water and I'll be right back, alright?" he nodded and I pecked his lips before getting up and going inside.

I grabbed a cup from the counter and filled it with some water and ice, I sipped and nearly dropped onto the floor when I was caught by a pair of arms going around me.

It was Javon, I giggled and apologized "sorry baby" I put my cup down and placed my arms around his neck "It's okay" I dropped my head to his shoulder with a long sigh.

My chain of thoughts broke when Javon placed his fingers under my chin and lifted it up "I love you" he whispered "Love you too" I whispered right before his lips touched mine.

I melted right into the kiss, even letting him wrap his arms around my waist and lift me onto the counter.

The moment was interrupted "Y/n? wanna? Everything alright in here?" Jayla asked walking inside the kitchen. Javon pulled away from my lips and I bit my lip to hide my disappointment.

"Okay. I see you guys are just fine. Sorry I interrupted, lovebirds." she smiled then walked out, Javon and I both stared at each other in surprise for a second before we laughed.

Javon laughed along with me for a moment before he cupped my cheek with both hands "So...? Wanna make out more?"

I pecked his lips before pulling away with a smirk. "Later. Let's go back to our friends for a while first"

Javon groaned as I took his hand and dragged his back outside, but I had to admit that it made my heart flutter a little.

I really love him



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Q: Did yall see samaritan already?

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