bad dream (ST)

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WC: 482

Your ages in this imagine: 16-17

Type of imagine: sad, mention of abuse and sexual assault

Requested: yes adoringashtray


-Stanley's pov-

I woke up in the middle of the night at the sounds of Y/n screaming.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry" she cried tossing and turning "Hey, Y/n wake up!" I said shaking her body "wake up!". Once she woke up I pulled her into my embrace while she tried to bring her heavy breathing under control.

"It's okay baby I'm here..I'm here" I said kissing her temple "I'm sorry" she said looking up at me "don't be, it's not your fault, you didn't choose to have these dreams" I said and a small smile made it on her face as she buried her face into my chest.

Y/n had been having dreams of her abusive stepfather that thankfully my family and I saved her from. That son of a bitch treated her horribly, he would slap her, punch her, and torture her by starving her and sometimes even taking advantage of her.

From the day we saved her, my family welcomed her into our house and even gave her, her own room but she doesn't spend too much time in it since she's always in mine. I'm not complaining of course I love her.

-A week later-

I was on a task with my father and uncle five and victor when she called.

"Hey baby What's up?" "stan Can you please come over?" she whispered, "are you okay?" I immediately asked feeling worried "I don't know, please come." She sniffled and I quickly told the guys I have to go.

I entered through my bedroom window and called for her, "I'm in the bedroom" she said "Baby are you okay? What happened?" "I'm sorry, I just couldn't sleep anymore. I haven't slept in days and I can't do this anymore". she cried.

"What do you mean?" I said pulling her into a hug "The nightmares, I can't sleep anymore because I keep waking up because of them and I thought they would go away but they didn't and I can't do this anymore" it broke my heart seeing her cry.

"Why didn't you tell me?" "Because I didn't want to worry you but I need you" she said "It's okay, I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere, I promise" I said picking her up.

I placed her on the bed and got in with her taking her into my arms.

She laid her head onto my chest and I held her close to me "I think you should try and get some sleep now, and don't worry, I'm here." I said and she nodded "Good night, I love you." she said and I smiled "Good night beautiful" and kissed her temple.




{Vote, comment, follow}

Q: Should I re-write this because I kinda think it's bad 😅. If you think so please tell me!!

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