Filming (JV)

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WC: 654

Your ages in this imagine: 15

Requested: yes _im_a_wh0re_ I hope you like it!!


Remember Javon the guy I met on a plane, yes

He and I became friends and when we found out that we got the roles we wanted we were over the moon.

Javon got the role of Stanley and I got the role of Gabriella Thomason a girl found by five, he saved her from a burning building, she's an orphan and is gifted with powers that control the 4 elements fire, air, water, and earth.

Because of her powers, the commission board was following her so five had to take her with him and introduce her to his family. Gabriella and five have a somewhat great, funny sibling relationship.

Gabriella and Stanley become friends and soon lovers and we had more scenes together. Javon and I became really close and became best friends.

Today we were going to have a small fight scene between Gabriella and ben and yes it's small but it's intense Justin and I had to practice our fight for 10 days.

I walked onto the set and saw just and the producers there "Y/n you ready to fight me" Justin asked "hell yea!" we high fived and the producers asked us to get ready and into our gears since we would be using our 'gifts'

As they were hooking us both to the safety thingy the whole cast came in "I brought the queen her coffee" Javon said and I smiled taking it "thank you wanna!"

I was going to take a sip but Adina took it away "hey!!" "you're going to shoot a fight scene do you really wanna drink coffee" he said and I groaned.

"alright everyone in your places..3..2...1 action!" Justin and I started to fight and suddenly I was pulled backward way before my time and I screamed in shock.

I hit the safety bag on the walls "Cut! Y/n you good!" they asked "yea it was just unexpected" I said getting back on my feet "I'm good" I said giving the camera a thumbs up.

After an hour we decided to take a break and we still had to shoot half of the fight "I need my coffee" I said opening the fridge "guys where is my coffee!" I said and everyone went silent.

"no no no I need my coffee wanna!!" I yelled looking for my best friend "what's up?" "someone drank my coffee" I pouted "it's okay we can go get coffee when we're done filming" he said grabbing my hand taking me to the cafeteria where the food was.

We ate a little and got back on set to finish the rest of the fight scene which took us the whole day because they changed the script and made the umbrella academy come pull us apart.

"alright guys I think we got it!" the producer said and everyone clapped their hands "good job everyone especially just and Y/n" we got out and Javon high-fived me "you were so good" he said making me blush a little.

I took a shower and changed into a hoodie and sweatpants, when I got to the cafeteria I filled my plate with food and sat with the cast.

"Y/n tomorrow David is taking us to get you coffee" Robert said and I got excited, the producers then came and told us that tomorrow they won't need most of us on set "yay we have a free day" Javon said and I high-fived him.

"Not everyone has a free day except you' he said "what why" Javon said "I told you wanna they hate us" I said acting hurt.

"That's not true, the reason you two don't have a free day is because were filming the arcade and kissing scene" they said and I felt my cheeks heat up.




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Q: Should I do a part 2 or just leave it there?

Javon Walton imagines #2Where stories live. Discover now