Can't sleep (ST)

3K 36 20

WC: 421

Your ages in this imagine: 17

Type of imagine: cute boyfriend to the rescue

Requested: no


It was late night and you had been tossing and turning. You just couldn't fall asleep. So you finally decided to call my boyfriend since he always made me feel better.

"Hello," his raspy, sleepy voice said through the phone.

"Hey Stan it's me y/n. I can't fall asleep and I was wondering if umm-" before I could finish he spoke "I'll be right there. Don't worry" he said before hanging up. 

I smiled and waited for him, In a few minutes he knocked on my window, I opened it and let him in. "Hey" I smiled at him "Hey baby" he replied hugging me. "Thanks for coming" I said and he smiled peaking my lips "your welcome princess"

We got in my bed and laid right next to me "Did you have a bad dream or something" he asked and I shook my head. 

"I don't know I just can't fall asleep" I said, But the truth was that I'm actually watched the horror movie he told me not to watch.

Apparently, my boyfriend could see right through my lie. "Y/n did you watch the movie he asked. 

I bit my lip and nodded. 

Stanley sighed and pulled me closer to him so that i could cuddle right aginst his chest. "I thought i told you not to watch it" he said"I know but everyone at school was talking about it so I wanted to see what is hype all about" I said.

"Well did you like it?" he asked and i shook my head "I got scared 30 minutes in" i told him and he chuckled "shut up thats not funny" i said lightly slaping his chest.

"Sorry sweetheart" he said kissing my head.

"Stanley I'm scared" "don't worry princess I got you" he said "i wont let any stupid goset near you, I'll tell they about my uncle klause and how he can kill there stupid souls" he said making me laugh a little.

For a while we just talked and stanley would twirl a strand of my hair on his finger and I would just lay there and listen to his heartbeat. 

"You listening to my heartbeat" he asked smiling and I nodded. 

"Well it beats for you. And only you," he replied kissing my lips.

 I smiled and felt my cheeks get hotter. 

Stanley of course noticed and smiled "You so cute when you blush," he said.




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Q: What's your worse bad dream?

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