haunted house. pt 2 (ST)

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WC: 699

Your ages in this imagine: 16-17

Type of imagine: idk you tell me

Requested: yes onwardtyler


It's been a year since I met the umbrella academy and to be honest it was one of the best years of my life.

They bought my family house and took me into there family treating me as one of their own, Stanley and I started hanging out and soon caught feelings for each other and started dating.

Everything was perfect until one day when I decided to prank my boyfriend and I needed to be invisible for it to work so I used my powers and did it.

I became invisible and started working on the prank but when I wanted to re-appear to check on myself in the mirror I couldn't.

I tried again and again but nothing changed, I couldn't see myself in the mirror and my heart started to race.

What is happening?

Why can't I get back to normal

No no no no no

"Baby I'm back!!" I hear my boyfriend say coming into my room "baby?" "I'm here!!" I yelled but he couldn't hear me.

A thing about being invisible is that people won't be able to hear or feel me, so they can walk through me and feel nothing which is horrible right now.

-Stanley's pov-

It's been hours since I've last seen Y/n and I'm freaking out, I tried to call her, and text her but I saw her phone on the bed.

Why would she leave her phone here?

She never leaves it around.

I started to panic and told my family "did you  guys fight" my aunt Allison asked "no" "you might've done something to piss her off" my father said and I shook my head.

"We were fine, I even brought her flowers from the shop because I knew she loves these type" I said showing them the bouquet of her favorite flowers.

"Maybe she's pranking you or something" my uncle Klaus said and I groaned "Y/n if you hear me, I'm sorry if I didn't anything to make you mad, sad, or annoyed. Just please come out!!" I yelled.

-time skip-

Its already midnight and Y/n still hadn't appeared, I got up from my bed and got out a pen and pencil and started writing.

Hey Y/n,

you know it's me Stanley, your boyfriend who loves and cares for you so much. Baby I don't know what I did to deserve this but I'm sorry.

I'm really, really and I just wanna see and hug you, I know its been less than a day but I don't care, I haven't seen you in hours and I'm worried. I miss you so fucking much and if you don't stop with these stupid games and appear soon I-

-Y/n's pov-

Stanley stopped writing and looked at the picture of us and sighed getting back to his paper

I hope he doesn't think what I'm thinking about

I want to break up because you can't keep scaring me like that, I'm tired I can't take it anymore.

My eyes teared up as I read his letter "baby no! please no, I'm right here, right next to you but I just can't get back to normal" I cried.

When Stanley got up and walked right through me my heart dropped, a lot of people have walked through me but when Stanley did it felt different.

It made me really feel invisible like I'm going to stick invisible forever.

I had a breakdown and yelled in anger and sadness but when I did everything Infront of me was pushed away.

"What the fuck!?" both Stanley and I yelled in shock

Did I just do that

No I cant.

Wait can I?




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Q: want a part 3?

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