paper note (AT)

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WC: 725

Your ages in this imagine: 16 

Type of imagine: cute 

Requested: no 


The sounds of people yelling, laughing, and talking throughout the crowds of teenagers filled the halls, Irritating me, I mean do you blame me it's 7 in the fuck!ng morning.

I walked to my locker and put in the combination, throwing my things inside. 

As I shoved my books in, I looked to the side, waiting for my crush to reach his locker. It was a shame that we only had one class together and that was the first period. 

The bell rang and I hurried inside sitting down at my usual spot. Right after I sat down, Ashtray walked in. 

I looked down opening a random book as he walked by to go to his seat, which was one seat behind me. Then, a small ripped paper with handwriting appeared on my desk. 

He must've placed it on my desk when he walked by me.

blushed at the thought of that might be true.

Anyways, I picked the paper up and read what was written in it. 

meet me at the park by the school after school ~ AT

 I was confused and mentally screaming.

Should I go?

Yes of course he's my crush!!

No I can't go he's my CRUSH

But he's amazing 

and talented

and hot 

His looks weren't the only thing I fell for. His voice and personality really did it for me. The way he walked, the way he talked it was just-ahhhh 

I looked behind me and saw that he was laughing with his friends

god he has an amazing smile

He's so cute

Okay how could I not meet up with him

I closed my book as the teacher walked in taking attendance. After that, the day moved very slowly but surely, until it was the last few minutes of my last class of the day, which was pretty noisy like always.

The bell finally rang and I got up picking my things up, making sure I still had the note he gave me. I got butterflies thinking of him looking at me, smiling and blushing. 

Those were things I would fantasize about the whole time during my classes. I left the room and made my way out with the huge crowd.

I knew he would be at the park first because he came out earlier than me.

I said goodbye to my friends and walked to the park near the school. It was really quiet when I got there and there was barely anyone crowding the swings. The only person there was him.

Ashtray was sitting on top of one of the picnic tables, I quietly walked behind him and tapped his shoulder, "looking for someone?" I asked and he chuckled "yeah I see you got my note? It was the only time I could give it to you, sorry" "It's okay".

"so what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked sitting at the table "Oh right I wanted to ask you a question, d-do you wanna go out" He said but before I could open my mouth he said "like on a date, just y-you and me" he blushed.

I don't think I have ever seen Ashtray this shy before, so I was kinda happy he was with me.

"I would love that" I said and his eyes twinkled with excitement "wait really!?" "yes really" I giggled at his shocked expression.

"G-great! I-I mean awesome, thank you?" he said and I laughed "your welcome" I say and he blushes in embarrassment.

"sorry I don't know what's happening to me" he said "it's okay you look cute" I said and he laughs "so Friday?" he asks "Fridays sounds great".

"Alright I'll pick you up at 6 be ready" he said and I nodded.

Ashtray soon got a phone call from his older brother fez. he told me he has to leave and before he does he kissed my cheek and jogged away before I could process what he did. 

As he was running off he looked behind him glancing at me, before I could warn ashtray he had already bumped into the tree.

He got up and yelled "I'M OKAY!!" raising his hand giving me a thumbs up making me giggle.

He's such a dork.




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Q: have yall seen Euphoria yet?

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