Argument (JV)

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WC: 890

Your ages in this imagine: 16-17

Type of imagine: rude fans, jelouse, sad

Requested: yes ash_haley hope you like it!!


Javon and I were at the mall when some random girls came and asked for some photos with him and of course as the person he is he said yes.

"can you take it" one asked harshly handing my phone "and make sure it's a good one" the other spoke giving me a disgusting look.


I gave them a fake smile and took a picture of them together "no I don't like it again" she said and I rolled my eyes "okay".

After the third time she finally liked the photo "sooo Javon we're going to the movies soon wanna come with" they asked biting their lips and looking at him up and down.

"do you really have a six-pack" one of them said and he chuckled "yea" "oh my god can we see it" the asked and Javon did.

He freaking lifted his shirt showing them his abs and of course they HAD to touch him. Of course I got jealous.

"damn your so hot" "I would die to be your girlfriend" "ughhh your so cute I would kiss you".

I was shocked that Javon just stood there smiling, ,laughing and thank them for the compliments.

"Sorry but we have somewhere to be" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him from these bitches, "Woah baby you okay" he chuckled "I wanna go back home" I said and he frowned "why" "I don't feel like shopping anymore".

"Are you serious, so we just came here for you to tell me 10 minutes later you want to go back home" he said annoyed "fine stay here, or you know what go find those girls and hang out with them, I'm taking an uber" I said walking away.

"oh my god are you jealous" he said and I ignored him "fine I'll take you home" he said.

The whole car ride home was silent, I didn't want to talk to Javon and he knew that so he just stayed quiet.

As soon as we reached his house I went to Jayla's room and told her everything.

She got mad of course and said that she'll talk to him but I stopped her "I want HIM to come and apologize not because you told him to" I said and she nodded.

When I walked downstairs I saw him and Jaden talking to each other, I went to the kitchen to get some water and as I was about to head back up Daelo asked if I could play with him.

As I was playing with him jess asked if I was going to stay for dinner which I was going to but I don't want to anymore so I said no.

"why we were supposed to watch a movie later" Jaden said "sorry I'm just busy," I said "no your not, you're just mad at me," Javon said, "yes, yes I am".

"Why what did you do?" Jaden asked "nothing just because I took a few pictures with some girls," he said.

"oh, just pictures" I said "and I showed them my abs, so? I don't see what the problem is?" "oh my god are you blind! Didn't you see the way they treated me or the way they were looking at you and let's not forget the way they touched your abs and complimented you because YOU lets them!".

"God Y/n! your so fucking insecure, them touching me won't ruin our fucking relationship! Why can't you just be happy for me. People are starting to notice me which is a good thing and here you are being jealous over the stupidest thing. We were supposed to hang out and have fun because your clingy ass needs loveand attention every time and Stop acting like that because I can't be yours only!" he yelled.

"Are you done?" I asked with a poker face "yea" he said and I garbed my bag leaving "where are you going" he yelled and I ignored him leaving his house.

This is me, I don't like to show people my emotion so whenever I'm sad, mad, or angry I quickly put my poker face on and make sure not to show any emotion at that moment but as soon as I'm out of sight I would let my guard down and cry my eyes out.

I can't believe he thinks this bad of me.

I'm not clingy, I'm not jealous and most of all I am the MOST supportive person I know in his career.

I walked home with tears running down my cheeks, I never thought Javon would be a person who made me cry.




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Q: Part 2??

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