fans (JV)

2.9K 31 6

WC: 841

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Requested: no


Meet and greet was one of my favorite part as an actor and I think it's most actors too. We get to meet the people who love and appreciate us and our work.

I was just about to do my makeup when my boyfriend came in "you are so beautiful" he said placing his arms on my shoulder and kissing my cheek.

"Javon I still haven't done my makeup" I giggled "you don't need makeup" he said taking my brush away. I tried taking it back but he raised it up.

"Can I please have my brush back?" I asked and he thought for a second "will you give me a kiss" he grinned.

"Sure" I smiled pecking his lips "a real kiss please" he said, I cupped his cheek and kissed him passionately. Javon's hand slowly started to fall down and hold my waist. I grabbed the brush and continued with my makeup.

"Hey!" He pouted "sit down Walton" I giggled and he did taking out his phone.

Javon and I are dating in real life, we've been together for a year now but we of course haven't gone public about it and the only people are close friends and family.

When I was done Javon and I were called, we got into the car that was waiting for us and It took us to the place we were supposed to be and let me tell you the number of people yelling our names was huge.

Since we both played a big role in the umbrella academy and we are the same age a lot of people were shipping us like crazy.

Gabriella Thomason a girl found by five, he saved her from a burning building, she's an orphan and is gifted with powers that control the 4 elements fire, air, water, and earth.

Because of her powers, the commission board was following her so five had to take her with him and introduce her to his family. Gabriella and five have a somewhat great, funny sibling relationship.

Gabriella and Stanley become friends and soon lovers and we had more scenes together. Javon and I became really close and became best friends.

Anyway back to the present we reached the place and got out of the car, thankfully there were security guards helping to keep the fans away from our way. When we got in we met with the cast, and we were then taken behind the stage where we were giving our mics.

As people started to fill up the place I started to get nervous "you ready" Javon asked and I nodded "a little nervous though" "don't worry they're going to love you" he said "I hope so" "I know so".

One by one we all came on stage and sat on the chairs behind our names and thankfully I sat next to my boyfriend

"Will gaby and Stanley be in season 5" they asked "I hope so because Y/n and Javon are so fun to be around" David said "of course we're fun" Javon said and everyone laughed.

"Okay now everyone wants to know are Javon and Y/n dating" another fan asked "no we're just friends" I said and they jokingly booed us making us laugh.

We took pictures with fans and signed pictures and drawing even toys and gifts that they bought for us.

We went to dinner and I sat next to my boyfriend, I was laughing at a joke Robert sheehan said and I turned around and noticed my boyfriend staring at me with love in his eyes.

"why are you looking at me like that" I asked giggling lightly "because you look so beautiful" he said making me blush "you guys are so cute I don't know why can't you go public and share your cuteness with the world" Elliot said.

"because people could be so mean" I said "fuck the people" Aidan said making me laugh a little.

We finished with dinner and walked back to our hotel room, Javon and I shared a room together and were not cuddling on the bed "babe do you think we should go public" I said and he shrugged.

"I'm fine with going public it's up to you really" "I don't know I'm just a little worried about the fan's reaction" "baby people love us, there are 100 and more fan pages supporting us" he said.

"What about the trolls" I said "just like Aidan said fuck them, as long as we're together and happy I don't care what the world says" Javon's words really got to me and I didn't care anymore.

"let's go public" I said "okay when?" "now" I said and he was surprised "now now" "yea if your okay with that" "yea that's fine with me" he said and we started to discuss how we are going to do that and ended up doing it through Instagram...




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Q: Should the second part be when they go public?

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