Twins (AT)

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Your ages in this imagine: 16

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After Ashtray's 19 birthday I found out I'm pregnant, yes pregnant.

I honestly had mixed emotions, I was happy sad excited but most of all scared. Ashtray on the other hand was over the moon, even though we were still young he was so happy and excited.

Fez had the same reaction, he was so happy that he'd have a niece or nephew, I told my family and lets just say they were surprised, my mother and older brother were happy for me but not Nate.

Nate was mad, he said really hurtful things and even called me a disappointment but after a few months when he saw my belly grow he came back and apologized.

Maddy, kat and my friends planed my baby shower and they were the only people who knew the gender of the baby or should I saw babies.

We're having twins!!

A boy and a girl!!

No words can describe the happiness everyone had, they were so excited for us.

My pregnancy stages were good at first but when it came to 7, 8. And 9month it was really hard for me but thankfully I had Ashtray with me through it all.

Something that I thought would never happen was to see Ashtray crying, yes crying. Ashtray cried when he held our children into his arms.

Fez and Maddy were our children's godparents, they picked and did the whole nursery for them. Anyways let go back to the present.

-Ashtray's pov-

I woke up early today and went to the nursery and saw that my daughter was awake "hi princess" "dada!" she squealed "shhh princess your brother's asleep" I said picking her up and she giggled quietly.

I took her out to the kitchen and opened the fridge "what should we eat" I said and she placed her finger on her chin thinking for a bit "ice cream" she said and I chuckled shaking my head "no baby mummy's going to kill me" I said.

After a while we decided to eat cereal, Y/n woke up and came in with our son in her hand "good morning" "morning" we took our bowls and all sat in the living room watching SpongeBob.

Yes SpongeBob.

We changed out of our pjs and went to the park, the playground was empty so Ashtray and the kids went and played around on the swings and slide "are you ready" we both said and they kids yelled "yeaa!!"

We slid down the slid and they squealed in happiness "again! again!" I looked at my girlfriend and she shrugged making me smile.

-Y/n's pov-

An hour later we decided to go get ice cream "welcome to ice cream plaza ho- Y/n! Ashtray! Hey guys" "hey Jules" "hi auntie Jules" "ahhh my favorite niece and nephew!!" she jumped from the counter and hugged the kids.

"what are yall doing here?" "we want ice cream please" they said "aww of course the usual, chocolate and vanilla with sprinkles?" "yes please!" Jules gave them a large scoop of there favorite ice ream.

Ashtray took out his wallet to pay but Jules said "its on me" we thanked her and sat with the kids and ate our own ice cream "is it good bro" I asked my son "mhmm its good bro" he replied making us laugh.

"mummy I'm tiyed" our daughter said rubbing her eyes "yea I wanna nap" he said and we decided to go homme, we placed them in their car seats and drove back to the house.

We carried our sleeping children to there room and placed them in the crib, we kissed their heads and left there room leaving on the small night light.

We went to our room and showered and I changed into one of Ashtray's shirt, he hugged me from behind and kissed my neck, I giggled and I turned around and hugged him.

He picked me up and took me our bed, he placed his head on my chest and hugged me "when do you want me to wake you up?" I asked "whenever the kids wake up" he mumbled and I kissed his head "okay sleep well"




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