Skatebored (AT)

1.6K 27 8

WC: 396

Your ages in this imagine: 16-17

Requested: no


I put one foot on the front of the skateboard and used my left foot to push myself down the hill. 

"Go Y/n!" I heard my friends yell, they dared me to skateboard down a hill, the most dangerous hill in tow.

Ashtray told me it was a bad idea but being the stubborn person I am I still did it anyway.

Air was bustling around me as I was going down the hill, a rock hit the back wheel and I couldn't slow the skateboard down without dying. The skateboard began to go into a tree. 

I jumped off straight before it ran into the tree and scraped my knee. It began to bleed down my leg, my eyes were tearing up.

"Y/n? Y/n!" Ashtray yelled coming toward me "I told you not to do this" he said picking me up bridal style "Sorry" I mumbled into his chest as he took me back to his place.

He placed me down on his bed "I'm gonna have to clean your knees" he said kneeling on the floor with a wet cloth as he begins to dab the gash in my knee.

"Ouch" I mumble under my breath "I told you not to do it" He says again and I rolled my eyes "you have to be more careful". 

"By the way you're a terrible skateboarder" he said and I gasp "oh yeah? I'd like to see you try!" I yelled at him crossing my arms.

He sighed and rolled his eyes "I'll give you lessons if you promise not to be stupid while learning" "I bet you can't even skateboard" I say and he chuckles.

"Remind me to show you sometime" He says, smirking. "Ugh you're so full of it" I scoff "and you're not?" He says inching closer to my face. "Hey I'm a lot humbler than you!" I tell him. His face was only a few inches away. I could feel his breath close to me. 

"I'm sure you are" he said pressing his lips on mine, I smiled and kissed him back.

"Your crazy" he said pulling away "too bad you'll have to deal with it" I whispered and he smiled "Your lucky I love you" "mhmm I'm so lucky" I giggled pulling him for another kiss.




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Q: Do you know how to skateboard?

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