Sweaters and Cuddles (JV)

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WC: 321

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Requested: no


Javon and I lay on the couch cuddling together, I turned my head to check on him again "you okay?" I asked "I'm just tired" he said. 

"Take a nap the movie can wait" I said pulling him closer towards me "alright, goodnight baby" he said pulling the blanket over him. Javon rested his head on my lap and I creased his cheeks with one hand and picked up my phone with the other. 

I scrolled through Instagram, Snapchat and even texted some of my friends, after a while, I moved a little to see if Javon was asleep. 

He was and he looked so cute, I slowly got up and gently kissed his cheek and went upstairs. I walked into his bedroom and I went into the closet. 

"What sweater do I want..." I said looking through his clothes, I grab one of Javon's sweaters and slipped it on my body as I walk to the mirror. 

"Perfect" I say hugging my body, I walked back downstairs wanting to cuddle up and take a nap with my boyfriend. I look at where Javon had been laying and he took the whole blanket to himself.

I pulled out my phone and I took a quick picture of him. 

I moved his body and I pulled his hand up so that I could slip next to him. he stirred a little and mumbled something so I quickly got in and hugged him.

"Baby you okay?" Javon asked groggily "yea I just wanted to sleep in your arms" I said and he smiled "okay I love you" he said kissing my nose "night baby" I giggled happily.




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AN: Guys if anyone request and imagine and I didn't write it please tell me and remind me what it is so that I can write them <3

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