Lunch (JV)

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WC: 948

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Requested: no


Right now I'm in the dressing room with Jackie my makeup artist, I was at an interview and Javon is coming but I don't know when.

I had light makeup on, someone knocked on the door "come in" I said playing on my phone "hey can someone see if Javon came?" "Javon is right here"

Javon said scaring me a bit "hey what took you so long" I said hugging him "sorry I had to stop at Starbucks" he said and before I could scold him he brought out a cup of my favorite drink "that's for you" he said and I smiled "thank you"

Javon and I talked for a while then one of the crew members asked if we were ready and we nodded. They took us out of the room and placed the mic's on us.

We sat in the chairs and people started to get ready, I turned to Javon and said "how do I look" he looked at me and smiled "you look beautiful as always" I blushed at his word.

"You guys ready" they asked and we nodded again "alright 3 2 1"

"Hey guys I'm Y/n Y/n" "and I'm Javon wanna Walton and were here with WIRED to answer the web's most searched questions about us..."

-Time skip-

After an hour of laughing and answering the most answered questions, people asked about us we were done.

They thanked us and we garbed our stuff "you know we have 3 hours till our next interview, why not grab lunch" Javon said and I didn't argue.

Javon wanted to take me to one of his favorite restaurants that were right down the street.

One of my love languages is touch so I like to hold people's hands when walking the street because sometimes the paparazzi find us and I get really anxious or worse have a panic attack.

Javon and I locked our hands together and walked to the restaurant, thankfully we didn't see any today.

We got into the vintage-looking American restaurant, we sat at our table and the waiter came and gave us the menu, I had never eaten at this restaurant and had no idea what to get so I decided to play safe and just get a Cesar salad.

The waiter came and asked if we were ready to order which we answered yes "I'll get the famous margarita pizza, the nacho party and she'll have..." "I'll have the Cesar salad"

"no" Javon said "no?" "no you can't get a Cesar salad" "what I don't know what to get" I said "she'll have the... 5-star burger" he said "so do I cancel the Cesar salad?" the waiter asked.

"umm no keep it we'll share it with the nachos" Javon said and the waiter nodded before leaving.

30 minutes later the food came "Javon's that's a lot for just the two of us" I said "don't worry we'll take the rest takeaway and give it to the homeless"

Javon was right the food was amazing, and the burger was big but delicious, I looked at him and giggled "wanna you have something on your cheek" I said and he chuckled "where here?" he said wiping his left cheek.

"no th- you know what I'll get it" I said garbing the tissue and wiping the cheese off his face.

It was time to get the bill and the waiter asked if we would split the bill and I said yes but Javon said no.

"Javon don't even th" "no don't you think about it" he said and quickly swiped his card "Javon!" I said surprised.

"come on my lady let's go" Javon said giving me his hand to take "thank you kind sir" I giggled intertwining our fingers together.

We walked out of the restaurant and saw a few paparazzi and they followed us asking questions if were dating or not.

"We're not we're just good friends" I said, and that was true, Javon and I aren't dating we're just...friends. Sadly.

We went to our next interview and at the end of the day, we got back to our hotel room.

I changed into my pj's and Javon came in and we cuddled watching a movie on the tv.

I scrolled through my phone and saw an article with a picture of us on the date, my hand on his cheeks and it was written how we were dating and another one with me and Louis Partridge saying how we are also dating.

"listen to his actor Y/n Y/l/n was found on a date with actor Javon wanna Walton, they seem so close and love is evident in their eyes, is the beautiful actress dating Javon or Louis?"

Javon chuckled and said "I hope you're not dating partridge" I chuckled and sat up "hmm maybe I am" I joked and Javon's facial expressions changed "you're dating him?" he asked upset.

"What no! I was kidding I'm not dating Louis" I said and he looked relieved "good" he said "good? why is that good?" I asked and his cheeks turned red "because" "because what?"

"Because I like you" he said surprising me "what" "I like you Y/n/n, I like you a lot" he said tugging the strand of hair behind my ear.

Javon leaned in and I felt his lips lightly brushing on mine "can I" he whispered and I nodded.

Javon kissed me gently and I kissed him back, he cupped my cheeks and smiled into the kiss

"are we dating now?" I asked and he chuckled "of course your my girl now" he said causing butterflies to fill my stomach 




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Q: What's your love language?

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