meeting the family (ST)

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Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: cute, funny, dangerous, scary

Requested: no


Right now I'm on my way to my boyfriend's family's house, they are having a full family dinner and had invited me.

I have only met his mom and dad but none of his aunts and uncles which I was really nervous about because from what I heard they're really protective over him so I hope to give a good first impression.

I rang the doorbell and Lila Stanley's mother answered it "Y/n babe how are you!!" she said hugging me.

"Hey Mrs. Hargreeves" I smiled hugging her back "oh come on didn't I tell you not to call me that" she said letting me in "sorry Lila".

"who is it" Diego his father asked "it's Y/n" Lila said and he came "ayyy Y/n/n how are you" he said and we did our little handshake "I'm doing good-oh and I brought this" I said handing him the bag of food.

"Woah you didn't have to" he said "my Abuela insisted, she says you guys need to eat more" I said and they laughed.

"Mom did you se-Y/n!!" I heard my boyfriend say running down the stairs "hey baby" I smiled hugging him "I missed you" he said kissing my lips "yea I missed you more"

"oh you have to meet the family" he said pulling me toward the kitchen where his aunties and uncle were "Y/n this is my aunt Allison, Sloane, and uncle victor" he said introducing me to them.

"hey you must be Y/n!" Sloane said hugging me "my nephew talks a lot about you" Allison said "good things I hope" I said "good of course, hey I'm victor" he said shaking my hand.

"umm do you need help with anything" I asked "oh no you can go have fun with your boyfriend" Sloane said "but not too much" Allison winked.

"OKAY let's go now" Stanley said embarrassed, he took me to the living room where the rest of his uncles were "hey guys meet my girlfriend Y/n" Stanley said holding my hands "hey" I smiled.

"oh my god it's such an honor to finally meet you" a huge man said coming my way "that's my uncle Luther, auntie Sloane's husband" he said and I nodded shaking his hand.

"finally you bring your girlfriend, ooh you are right, she is pretty" "I'm guessing this is your uncle Klaus" I giggle and he nods "how do you know" his uncle asked "Stanley talks a lot about you, you're his coolest uncle" I say.

"aha I told you" Klaus yelled at his brother in joy "come here, you're my favorite nephew" his uncle says "I'm your only nephew" my boyfriend chuckled.

"This is my uncle five" he said "hi nice to finally meet you" his uncle says with a fake smile "you too" I said looking at my boyfriend.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE!! DINNER IS READY" Lila yelled and everyone sat at the table, I set in between my boyfriend and his auntie Sloane which I was thankful for.

As we were eating everybody starts complementing my grandma's food "Y/n please tell your Abuela, Diego want's recipe for the qasida's" Diego says "ooo me too" Allison said.

"I'm happy you like it" I said feeling relieved.

After dinner Stanley and his parents went to finish the dishes while I stayed with his family. "so Y/n tell us a bit of you self" his uncle five said.

"oh okay I don't know what do you want to know" I say nervously "how is school?" his aunt asked "school is great! I'm actually the top of my class and year" I say "okay cool..any hobbies" Luther asks.

"yes I love playing soccer and reading or writing in my free time" I say and suddenly his uncle five comes Infront of me "what do you really want with our nephew" he asks.

"w-what?" "you heard me, are you using him to get to us?" "n-no" "you seem unsure" he says "I-" "are you a spy" he asks and my eyes widened "do you even love Stanley" he spat.

"woah five calm down your scaring her" Luther said "I-I" I tried to speak but he cut me off "who do you work for!?" he yelled "no one!" I yelled back.

"liar!" "I'm not a liar!" I say feeling my eyes tear up "five STOP IT!" victor says "no not until this bitch tells the truth" he says getting out his pocket knife aiming it at me.

Without thinking I raised my hand causing him to thrown to the other side of the room.




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