park (JV)

3.8K 38 4

WC: 400

Your ages in this imagine: 15

Type of imagine: cute

Requested: nope


I was at the park with my best friends playing on the swings when I got a text. 

I opened my phone to see it was 

Wanna Walton ❤️~ sent you a message

It was Javon Walton my crush!!


Wanna Walton ❤️~ Hey Y/N!!

Wanna Walton ❤️~ what are you doing right now

 Me ~ Hey wanna! 

Me ~I'm just hanging out with Y/bff/n at the park

me ~ what about you?

Wanna Walton ❤️~ cool I'm at the park too, can't wait to see you


I look around and saw Javon walking towards me, "hey" he smiled "Hi" I smiled back and we both stood there in silence. 

"okay so..." he finally spoke breaking the uncomfortable silence "soooo" I giggled and his cheeks started to get red.

"umm...Y/N can I tell you something" he said "okay go ahead" I told him "umm okay so I kinda like this girl and she is really pretty and smart and kind and funny and kinda dorky but she's perfect and I don't know if she likes me back because well I'm too shy to ask her" he said and I felt my heart ache a little.

"Javon you're amazing if she doesn't like you then she's an idiot" I said and he smiled "can I ask you who is she" I said kinda nervous to know the answer.

"I-its you y/n" he said looking down trying not to show his red cheeks.

I was surprised that he liked me and so shocked that I don't know what to say. 

Javon saw my reaction and panicked "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have told you that" he said quickly walking away. 

Finally, I get back to reality and run after him, I turn him around and smash my lips on his. After a few minutes we both pull away.

"I like you too" I say and he smiles "Y/n Y/l/n will you be my girlfriend?" he says and I nod kissing him again "does that answer your question?" I say and he shakes his head.

"I think you should try again" he said making me giggle, I pulled him by his shirt and kissed his lips again.




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Q: do you like going to the park?

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