A gift (ST)

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WC: 250

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: cute

Requested: no


Stanley and I were cuddling on his bed while listening to music, I could see and feel him constantly turning his head to stare at me so I turned my head to face him and he held his stare.

I smiled softly feeling butterflies form in my stomach.

I turn away feeling flustered and I rested my head on his chest slowly listening to his steady heartbeat then I felt his heartbeat begin to speed up so I looked up at him said "are you okay? your heart is beating fast" I sit up slowly.

Stanley sighed he sat up as well "I just remembered something I wanted to give you" he searched his bag intensely I looked at him confused.

Stanley pulled out a box my eyes widened, Stanley saw my reaction and laughed "Baby don't worry it's just a necklace".

My eyes lit up, I love necklaces I turned so my back so it was facing him, he moved my hair and placed the necklace on me.

He quickly pecked my neck before I smiled and turned around to kiss him softly.

"what does the necklace mean?" I ask "it's my initials" he replied "and you're not allowed to hide it or take it off" he said "don't worry I won't, thank you" I hugged him.

"Now everyone is going to know your mine" he said making me blush.




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Q: do you like necklaces?

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