Abuse pt.2 (JV)

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WC: 669

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Requested: yes


"Because you hurt her!" he yelled immediately covering his mouth "what I would never hurt yn why would you say that" I said confused but he didn't speak. "daelo can you please tell us what you mean" my mom said and he shook his head.

"why won't you tell us" Jaden asked "because Y/n made me promise not to tell anyone about her bruises" he said "what bruises?" I asked and his eyes widened.

"nothing just forget I said anything" he said trying to run away but we caught him "daelo jin Walton you better tell us everything" my dad said seriously.

"When I was playing with Y/n her hoodie went up a bit and I saw that she had bruises in her tummy and when I asked her about it she said that she got them when Javon and her were boxing" "but Y/n doesn't box" I told them "why would she lie then?"

My parents looked at each other and back at us.

"Mo it can't be" I told them and daelo asked what wrong and my mom asked him to go to his room. "she would've told us if she was abused...right" I looked at Jaden who nodded.

"but she has been wearing a lot of oversize clothes" Jaden said "that's her style" I told him "she's has been jumpier than usual" he added.

We heard the front door open and my dad said to act normal.

"Okay guys we bought diner!!" Jayla squealed placing the food on the table "thank you girls" my dad said.

"Javon you okay" Y/n asked "is your dad hitting you" I asked and her face fell "w-what" "you heard me is your dad hitting you" I said raising my voice a bit "n-no why would you say that" she stuttered.

"Y/n you don't have to lie" Jaden said "I'm not lying" "fine then show us your arms" I said "no why would I do that" she said "I wanna your bruises" I said "you have bruises" Jayla asked her and she shook her head "no!"

"Y/n you know you can tell us" my mom said and she started tearing up "i-i ca- I have to go" she said wanting to leave but Jayla blocked the exit. When Y/n was distracted talking to Jayla I pulled up her sleeves showing all her bruises.

"oh my god" my mom gasped "Javon!" she exclaimed pulling her sleeve looking at all our worried faces "it's not what your thinking," she said "I-I fell" "Y/n no fall can cause this many bruises"

"I'm really clumsy" she said "Y/n who did this to you?" I asked feeling my eyes tear up "no one" she said "Y/n please" I tried to hold her but she flinched "sorry I can't I need to go"

Y/n pushed Jayla aside and ran to the door "Y/n wait!" I ran after her "Javon stop" she yelled running faster but I was faster than her.

When I caught up to her I stopped her and pulled her into a hug, she tried to push me away but that only made me tighten my grip "it's okay" I said and she broke down.

Y/n cried and finally hugged my back "it's okay Y/n I'm here" I said kissing her head.

After a while she calmed down and pulled away, I knew she didn't want to talk now so I garbed her hand and took her on a walk.

The walk was silent but the comfortable one "I wanna go home now" she whispered "I'm taking you to mine" I said "no I ca-" "don't I won't hear it" I said and took her back to my house.

When we got in we saw Jaden, Jayla, and my parents in the living room waiting for us. we got sat down and my parents asked "Y/n what happened?" 





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Q: Should I do part 3 or leave it here?

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