Bad dream (ST)

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WC: 555

Your ages in this imagine: 17-18

Type of imagine: sad. sad and scared Stanley

Requested: yes adoringashtray this time Stanley has a bad dream, I hope you like it!!


-stanly's pov-

It was late at night and I was walking home when I noticed a guy punching what looked like a girl, she fell to the floor and I ran to stop him.

When I got closer to them the men ran and that's when I noticed it was my girlfriend Y/n, My heart dropped and I ran toward her. "Yn baby can you hear me" I said shaking her body but there was no response her face was bruised badly and she looked so weak and tired.

She was bleeding a lot so I grabbed her and ran to the nearest hospital with tears running down my cheeks.

As soon as I took her inside they took her away from me and I was surprised to see my father and uncles had come. they comforted me until the doctor finally came out of surgery.

He had a sad look on his face "I'm sorry we tried everything" after he said these words I fell to the ground and broke down.

I woke up panting for air with tears streaming down my cheeks, I sat up and looked over to see y/n asleep by my side. Her breathing was soft and quiet. She looked so beautiful and I didn't want to wake her up.

That dream really messed with my head, so I got up and went downstairs to get something to drink. I wasn't wearing a shirt only my gray sweatpants.

I shut the door behind me and got some warm milk to calm me down, I pour the milk into the glass and place it in the microwave.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs but I didn't look up, I felt a gentle hand on my back, it was Y/n.

"Baby? Are you okay?" She asked hugging me from behind "yeah just go back to bed. I'll be up in a second" I said rubbing her hands.

Y/n turned around and faced me "did you have a bad dream?" she asked softly "Yeah" I whispered.

She hugged me and asked "What happened?" "some guy was beating you up and I was too late to save you a-and you died" I said rubbing my glassy eyes. "Oh baby I'm so sorry" she said hugging me.

"Don't think about it too much It was only a dream" she said kissing my forehead and getting my milk out of the microwave. She handed it to me and I took a sip.

"Stanley I would never leave you" she said putting a hand on my face, creasing my cheeks softly "I hope not" I said chuckling.

We got back upstairs and I laid on top of her, resting my head on her chest, holding her close to me "Promise me you won't leave me" I said into her chest "I promise" she giggled lightly.

I could hear her laugh through her chest and soon fell asleep to her heartbeat.

I love her so much




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Q: what do you do when you have a nightmare?

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