Delores pt.3

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WC: 909

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Requested: yes by everyone <3 red_is_gay15


-Diego's pov-

We were all sitting together in the living room when Stanley ran in crying rambling things we couldn't make up.

He was walking back and forth crying trying to say something but couldn't, I garbed him by his shoulder and yelled "what's wrong!"

"u-uncle five took Y/n!" he cried "what why would five take Y/n" Luther asked shocked and confused "we tried to crash their date with silly p-pranks a-and he didn't mean to burn Delores"

We were all shocked by his words "you burned what!?" we yelled and he cried "we didn't mean to and now he's going to kill Y/n" he said and I looked at my siblings who also had a horrified look on their faces.

We all knew how much five loved Delores and how he could actually murder Y/n

"do you know where is he taking Y/n?" I asked and he shook his head, Lilia took Stanley to his room and tried to calm him down as I and the others tried to find where my brother be at.

An hour later Stanley ran downstairs and said "there at the bridge!" he showed us the text he got for five and we immediately went there.

Y/n was tied up in a chair at the edge of the bridge and five was next to her playing with a lighter "funny you guys came"

"five stop! what are you doing" Allison yelled "Stanley knows what I'm doing" he said "uncle five I'm so sorry we didn't mean to I swear" my son cried "please don't hurt Y/n"

"aww young love...I used to be in love but she died because of you two" he yelled "five Y/n is a human being and Delores isn't" kulas said and it made five furious

"Delores is more of a human than any of you" he said lightly pushing Y/n making her scream in fear "no please I'm sorry I'm sorry" she cried "after what! You and you're your boyfriend murdered the women I loved" he spat.

"see this" he said taking out the lighter "I'll show you how it feels to see the women you love up in flames" he said about to light the rope Y/n was in on fire when victor used his powers to push him away.

We ran to Y/n but five used his powers and reached her before we did and was going to push her over to fall "no!" both teenagers cried.

"five please let her go Y/n is just a kid" Sloane said "she's 16 she's muster enough" he said "uncle five please take me do anything you want with me just leave Y/n alone" Stanley cried.

"no I'll take your love like how you took mine" he said "five stop with the bullshit you were hallucinating Delores was a fucking mannikin everybody saw that except for you" I yelled "no Delores is real I talked to her! I hugged her I loved her!"

"I heard a rumor that you saw the real Delores" Allison yelled and five froze in his place as he saw the truth. Without thinking he let go of the rope that was holding Y/n causing her to fall.

"Y/n!!" we yelled and Stanley jumped after her making things worse, we ran to see them as tears filled my eyes at the thought of me losing my son and Y/n.

When we looked down we saw that they haven't fallen in the water but are levitating in air "we all looked at Sloan.

She lifted the teenagers back up to us "are you kids okay" I asked "please let me out of this" Y/n cried and Stanley was trying to but counted. I took out my knife freed her

-Y/n's pov-

As soon as I was free I hugged my boyfriend crying my eyes out, Stanley hugged me right back "I thought I'd lose you" he cried and I hugged him tighter "me too"

When we pulled away we noticed five cryings "Delores is fake" he said and fear filled me again "please don't hurt us" I cried and he looked at me. his siblings got worried and stood Infront of us.

Five began to cry and we all looked at each other in shock, we never seen five cry but I understood why he was crying.

I walked to him and hugged him it was all fake everything I felt was fake" "no what you felt was not fake who felt them for was" I said and hugged me back "I'm so sorry I hurt you" he said "it's okay I'm happy you finally saw the truth"

We got up and decided to go back home "you know we can try and find you a real look alike Deloris" Stanley said and I nudged him "it's okay Y/n and I don't think I wanna start dating soon" he said.

"Okay it's really late and we all had this huge night I think it's time we go to bed" Lila said and we all agreed.

We went upstairs and I got into Stanley's room and I hugged him "I'm so glad you're fine" he said "you jumped after me" I said "why" "because I love you Y/n and I can't lose you I won't be able to live"

His words brought a smile to my face "I love you" I said kissing him passionately




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Q: I hope you liked it <33

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