Delores (ST)

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WC: 738

Your ages in this imagine: 16-15

Type of imagine: Funny

Requested: yes  red_is_gay15 sorry this took a long time to write, I hope you like it


Stanley and I were messing around in the basement when we found a box written on it

'don't open'

So what did we do.....we opened it

We were surprised to find a mannequin, the manikin didn't have her legs and she was wearing a white t-shirt with black spots.

"what the hell is this?" Stanley said and I shrugged "we should ask your dad" I said and he agreed. He picked up the box and we took it to his dad.

"Diego!" "dad!" we both yelled "what!?" we heard him yell from the kitchen, we got there and saw he was eating a sandwich with Klaus.

"dude why do have a half mannequin in the basement" I said and both men looked at each other in horror. They quickly got up and took the box from stan.

"I thought I told you to get rid of Delores" Diego told Klaus "sorry man I was busy" he said "who's Delores" Stanley asked "this stupid mannequin" his father replied.

"you named the manikin" I laughed "oh dose Delores have a boyfriend" Stanley laughed "yes your uncle five" Klaus said making us laugh harder "what!!"

"look that's not funny, if five see's her he'll kill us" Diego said "why?" I asked "because he thinks that Delores is a real girl and if he see's her here he'll start 'dating' her again" they said.

"wait so your telling me five, the most serious person here is in love with a mannequin" I said me and my boyfriend laughed suddenly his uncle five came and asked what was going on.

Stanley and I went silent and left the talking for the 'adult' "nothing the kids found things that used to be ben's that's all" Klaus said "oh let me see" he said and Diego took the box away "no your going to get upset, it's very emotional" he said.

Five knew something was up and walked toward us, Diego moved away and soon they started running Stanley's family kept throwing the box from one hand to another.

Out of nowhere he teleported and took the box into his hands, he opened the box and gasped "Delores".

"my love" he said hugging the mannequin moments later he looked up and glared at all of his siblings, Stanley garbed my hand and said "run".

We ran out of the house since we knew hell was going to happen, after a couple of hours I started to get tired "stan I wanna go home" I said "you tired" he asked and I nodded rubbing my eyes.

We walked to my house and I told him to sleep over but he said that he couldn't "I have to see what is happening there" he said and I nodded "be safe" I said kissing his lips "good night beautiful" he said making me smile "night babe".

The next morning at school I waited for my boyfriend to tell me what happened he came and at lunch he told me everything.

"when I came home everything was a mess and next morning we had breakfast and Delores was there next to my uncle five and he was trying to feed her" he said "and!?" "and there going on a date" he said.

"five and Delores the mannequin?" "no five and me" he said sarcastically

After school I decided to go back with Stanley I had to see this with my own eyes. I held his hands and got in.




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Q: Part 2?

AN: Sorry I haven't been updating the last couple of days I've been stressed and trying to write all the requests 😅

Oh and if anyone wants to request something feel free to comment it or write it in my messages/ inbox 

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