spray paint (AT)

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WC: 456

Your ages in this imagine: 17

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I was going through a lot because I had depression and anxiety, I was kinda avoiding everyone even Ashtray my boyfriend. 

And he noticed it. 

I Ignored his calls, his texts, and his facetime and he felt horrible because I was hurting and stressed and he didn't know how to help me because I kept pushing him away. 

I heard a knock on my room " go away mom I don't wanna talk!" I yelled, when the door opened and I saw Ashtray my face softened. 

He looked at me and for the first time saw me broken, I saw him tearing up and ran to him instantly saying I'm sorry every hugging him. "it's okay" he said hugging me back.

Moments later Ashtray pulled away, he wiped my tears and kissed my forehead taking my hand walking me out of my room and house, we walked in silence which I decided to break "where are we going?"

"somewhere was I go to clear my head" he said and I was still confused, after walking for what felt like forever we finally stopped in an empty ally.

I was confused. 

Ashtray placed the bag down and opened it taking out several bottles that looked like spray paint. 

"Ash I think that's illegal" I said and he got up and smiled "don't worry about that" he kissed my head and handed me one. 

I stood there for a minute not knowing what to actually paint " why are you just standing there?" he laughed " I don't know what to paint " I said. 

"Baby I don't think I just paint" he smiled and began to spray paint, so I did the same I just painted. 

I didn't know what I was doing but I didn't care, I just wanted to get those horrible feelings out and stop thinking about it all. 

I finally finished and I was amazed, my 'work' was amazing 

"how'd you do that ?" Ashtray said in shock "I don't know" I said in shock. 

Suddenly we heard police sirens and we both ran and hide from the police trying to control our laughter. 

I looked at my boyfriend and he checked the place out "it's okay I think we're good to go" he said and I smiled "what?" he smiled and pulled him by his hoodie and kissed him passionately.

"what was that for" he said happily "because I love you" I said and he blushed a little "thank you for bringing me here" I said and he kissed me again "your welcome princess"




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Q: Have yall ever tried spray painting?

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