best friend pt.2 (JV)

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WC: 923

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: annoying, cute!!

Requested: yes


-y/n's pov-

I got a message from Jaden, Javon's twin brother who I'm still friends with to come and meet him in the music room after school because he needs to tell me something very important.

I agreed and after school, I went there, I was surprised to see Javon and not Jaden "what are you doing here and where is Jaden?" I asked "Y/n I was the one who sent you that text" he said.

"I can't believe this" I sighed and walked away, Javon pulled me by the arm and made me look at him "Javon let me go" she said "no I need to talk to you" he said "I do not want to talk to you" I said trying to get out his grip.

Javon pushed me onto the wall, he placed his arms on the left and right trapping me there.

"Just listen to me" he said and I couldn't speak, his face was so close to mine so I just nodded letting him speak.

"Y/n I'm so sorry for dating h/n, I'm very sorry please can we be friends again because I miss you so much and I don't think I can live another day without my best friend, I need you Y/n I need my best friend back" he said.

"what about h/n" I asked "we broke up" he said surprising me "why/' I asked "because I don't like her anymore, you were right she is a bully and still is" he said "please Y/n forgive me" he said and I thought for a minute.

I looked up and locked eyes with him, god he has such beautiful eyes.

"please" he pouted giving me his puppy eyes that he knows I can't resist "I want my best friend back too" I said and he smiled hugging me "thank you thank you thank you" he said making me laugh "okay big boy let go".

"do you wanna go to the carnival" he asked pulling away "sure I would love to" I said and he smiled happily.

Fuck I'm getting butterflies again.

"Okay I should go now" I said and he nodded "see you tonight" he said "yup".

I was so happy I finally have my best friend back, I reached my home and unblocked Javon and texted him to tell him that.

I opened my closet and got out my clothes looking for the perfect dress to wear tonight.

-Javon's pov-

I was so happy when I see Y/n's text again, I visited her account liked all the pictures, I admired how beautiful she is.

Time flew quickly and I changed into a simple outfit and told Jayla to drive me there, Jaden, Jayla, and I are going.

I texted Y/n that I was here and 5 minutes later we met in the spot I told her I was at, she looked beautiful in her outfit, and it made me blush.

We played a couple of games and I won a stuffed teddy bear and gave it to Y/n "where do you wanna go now?" she asked "I don't know the Ferris wheel" I said "sure" I locked our hands together and went there.

Y/n and I took one by ourselves and talked about the things we missed "I'm really happy you came" I said and Y/n smiled "of course your my best friend" she said and that kinda hurt.

I'm just her best friend...

Should I tell her?




"This view is amazing" she said and I nodded, I looked back at Y/n and looked at all her beautiful features, she is so gorgeous.

I have to tell her.

"Y/n I have to tell you something" I said and she looked at me "what is it?" she asked worried "I..I like you" I said "I like you a lot, more than friends" I said and she looked shocked.

Shit, I messed things up.

Good job Javon.

"sorry I shouldn't have said that" I said "I know you and Dylan were dating, I'm so stupid what was I even thinking" "javo-" she spoke but I cut her off "no no it's okay you don't have to say anything I knew I messed things up GOD now this is going to be awkward how could I be so stup-" I felt a pair of lips on mine.

Y/n's soft lips were on mine.

Y/n is kissing me, oh my god!!

I quickly kissed back and I felt her smile into the kiss causing butterflies to fill my stomach.

We pulled away and we both were blushing "I like you too" she says and my heart exploded with happiness.

"But wait Dylan" I said worried "we broke up" she says "we both knew it wasn't going to last" that made me smile more.

"so that means your single" I said and she nodded "it's early I know but wanna be my girlfriend" I asked and her smile grew "of course I would love to be your girlfriend" she said and I pulled her in for another kiss.

We pulled away and smiled, Y/n looked over and said "look we're at the top of the wheel, it's so beautiful here" "yup but your right" I said and she looked at me and giggled "your such a dork" "no I'm your boyfriend now" I sang making her laugh again.

I cant belive it took me this long to realize my love for Y/n

I'm so happy that it's finally out




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