Dont call me that (JV)

6.8K 67 18

WC: 544

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: funny

Requested: nope


After seeing this TikTok of this girl calling her boyfriend 'bro' and him not exactly liking it I wondered how would my boyfriend's reaction when I do that.

Javon calls everyone bro, his friends, family, and even strangers. I sometimes do call my guy friends and his brothers that but I never called HIM that.

But I will today.

Right now Javon was in a live with his sister who was just having fun and answering fans' questions.

"Y/n/n!!!" I heard Javon yell "yesss" I yelled back "come here please" he said and I smiled "no!" I replied and he ran into the room I was in "why the fans wanna see my beautiful girlfriend" he said pecking my lips.

"you love me?" I asked and he chuckled "yes, now come on!!" he said pulling me to the living room where they were.

"Y/n!!!" "jaylaaa" I hugged his sister and she hugged me tight and wouldn't let me go just to annoy her brother "okay I think that's enough now" he says trying to pull me toward him "no she's mine" Jayla said.

"did you hear that Javon she's Jayla's" Jaden chuckled "shut up she's mine" he said pulling me away from his sister "your mine" Javon mumbled into my neck making me blush.

"okay stop with the PDA" Jaden said fake gagging.

Jaden and Javon were messing around when I decided to start with 'prank'.

I scrolled through my phone trying to find something interesting to show him and that's when I stopped at the pandora account. I saw two things that I loved and not to mention they were having a Collab with marvel like WTF!!

I found the two things I wanted and decided to show my boyfriend who had just sat next to me.

"bro pandora is having a collab with marvel and look at this ring!!" I said showing him my phone, Javon looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows "bro don't look at me, look at the ring it's so pretty".

Javon still was still staring at me in shock "why are you calling me that?" he chuckled "don't call me that" "calling you what?" I said acting dumb "why are you calling me bro!" he said and I tried not to laugh.

"why not" "why not!? Babe I'm your boyfriend not your bro" he said "chill bro-" "I'm NOT your bro!" he said holding my face close to his.

Damn being so close to him really made me lose my words.

"okay" he said and I nodded blushing furiously "thank you" he said kissing my temple. I felt my cheeks get hotter so I just hid my face against his chest. Javon chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

His siblings were looking at us with a grin on their faces "what?" "you guys are adorable" Jayla said "but too much PDA!" Jaden said "too much".

I garbed the pillow next to me and threw it on Jaden "you deserve that" Javon laughed.

I smiled and rested my head back on his chest as they continued answering fan's questions.




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Q: do you like these *prank* imagines

PS: this is the PandoraxMarvel collab 

PS: this is the PandoraxMarvel collab 

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Javon Walton imagines #2Where stories live. Discover now