Clingy pt.3 (JV)

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Your ages in this imagine: 16

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-two days later-

"I want Y/n" Daleo whined "me too, let's see if she can come today" I told him and he was happy to hear that.

I called her and she answered.

"hey baby"

"hi" her voice sounded weird "are you okay" I asked her "yup" "Y/n can you please come over" Daelo asked her "sorry D I can't" "but whyy" "sorry I just can't im like really busy with my mom and dad".

"oh man" daelo frowned "sorry I got to go" she hung up.

-3 days later-

I miss her

I miss her so so much

We don't talk, we don't text or call and it's driving me crazy. 

"Just call her" Jaden says "tell her to come over" Jayla whined, I called her multiple times and she didn't answer "ughhh"

The next day Jayla convened her to come over and I was so excited to see her, there was a doorbell rang and I immediately ran to open the door.

"hey" I smiled pulling my girlfriend into a big hug "hi" she hugged me back but something didn't feel right.

"Y/N!!!" Daelo ran into her hands and she picked him up.

the whole night Y/n spent it with my brothers and sister whenever I tried to show her some affection she'd tense up.

At dinner Y/n didn't eat that much "Y/n are you okay?" my mother asked and Y/n nodded "you sure you're not eating much" my father said "oh I'm not that hungry" she said and they nodded not convinced.

After dinner, we played a little and Jayla asked her if she could sleep over "I don't know" she said "please you haven't slept over in forever!!" Daelo whined "pleaseee" he said pouting giving her puppy dog's eyes.

"How could I say no to this cute face" she said pinching his cheeks "hey I'm your boyfriend" I said and she smiled pecking my lips very lightly.

Y/n played with Daelo and I sat with Jaden and Jayla "guys is it me or is Y/n acting weird" I said "yea she's way quieter and tense" Jayla said "did you guys fight?" Jaden asked and I shook my head "did you say something to upset her?" I shook my head again "I don't think so"

When we watched a movie I had my arms around Y/n and she didn't cuddle me or rest her head on my shoulder as usual.

The movie ended and it was time to go sleep, Y/n left my room and came back wearing one of Jayla's pj's which made me a little sad.

"You okay?" Y/n asked "I just thought you'll wear my clothes to bed" I said "oh sorry" "it's okay" I said and she got in bed but didn't cuddle me or even come near me.

She laid at the end of the bed, I sighed and turned over but I couldn't stay there when I knew the girl I love is right next to me.

I turned around and garbed Y/n by her waist and pulled her closer to me spooning her. I felt Y/n tens up and I couldn't help it anymore.

"Y/n are you okay?" I said getting up "yea why are asking?" "Because your acting weird" I said "we don't talk, meet up or even text. You don't come around anymore and when you did come today you were being very distant" I told her and she kept quiet.

"Y/n you don't talk, eat or show me love and attention like you did not love me anymore?" I said and she started crying "I'm so sorry" she said and I pulled her into a hug.

"Sorry for what?" I said "before I was being clingy and very affectionate and you hated it and now I'm not and you still hated it I don't know what to do. I'm so tired"

"Y/n your not clingy, who said you were" I said "you did" she said pulling away "what when?" "When your friends were over you were in your room and I heard you say it"

I finally realized what she meant and felt horrible, I didn't mean those things at all

"Y/n that was not true, the things I said were all lies" I told her "don't lie to me, Javon I'm not stupid plus I get it why would you want an ugly fat girl like me around you 24/7"

Y/n's words broke my heart

"Y/n your not fat or ugly, your beautiful" I told her but she didn't believe me "come with me" I said helping her out of bed.

I took her in front of the mirror and told her what I saw "I see my beautiful girlfriend Y/n" I said.

"I love everything in her, her h/c and her beautiful e/c eyes that twinkle in the night, her smile and adorable laugh because it makes me smile and forms butterflies in my stomach. Her angelic voice that makes my day 100% better her beautiful amazing body that makes everything look better on her even my clothes, and last her awesome style and looks."

"Y/n I love so much you have no idea" I said "then why did you say these things when you don't mean it" she said "because I'm an idiot, I thought if I agreed with my friends that they will think I'm cool but I was wrong"

"Y/n I'm sorry please forgive me" is said kissing her knuckles "I want my girlfriend back, the unique, lovable, goofy girl I call mine"

I looked at Y/n who smiled and said "I forgive you" I kissed Y/n passionately and she kissed me back with the same love and passion.

I felt my heart exploding with happiness.

I missed her love and kisses so much. We pulled away and I picked her up took her to my bed cuddled with her, and placed my arms around her as she cuddled close to my chest.

"good night beautiful," I said kissing her head "night handsome," she said making me smile and hug her closer to me"




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