She's mine (AT)

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WC: 563

Your ages in this imagine: 16-17

Requested: no


I don't remember how I became friends with the bad kids but it was probably the best thing that happen to me, even though they were troublemakers I spent the majority of my time with Alex and Joey. 

Since I had nothing to do, they let me sit in and watch them all mess around with teachers or students, It was fun to see them pranking their victims and getting yelled at the principal. 

I met Ashtray the 'leader' of the group he normally wouldn't let people in his group but he was more than happy to welcome me. He became obsessed with me from the first moment he saw me. 

"Come sit with us" Alex smiled at me as he motioned for me to sit with them at the cafeteria table. 

As I walked to the empty spot beside Ashtray he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his lap "Ashtray, there's a perfectly good seat just there" I playfully rolled my eyes "but you look good on my lap"

Ashtray tried to ask me out multiple times on a date but I declined all of them, not wanting to come between the friendship he had made with Alex and Joey. 

However, it was clear to everyone that I had feelings for him.

"I don't understand why I waste my time with these losers," Nate Jacob said walking up to me "you'd look so much better with me" "Don't talk to her" Ashtray warned. 

His jealousy when someone spoke to me was something he could not control. 

He picked me up and placed me where he was previously sat. Ashtray walked up to Nate, they was almost chest to chest. 

"Come on loser you don't really think she'll end up with someone like you" before I could interfere Ashtray spoke "Yes I do. I have the ability to make her laugh and smile. I will never hurt her, she's my everything and doesn't even know it yet" 

"And you think she likes you" he said "I for sure know she does like your abusive ass" Nate pushed Ashtray and everyone on the table got up and was ready to kill Nate right here right now.

Ashtray scoffed and pushed Nate harder causing him to fall to the ground, he punched and kicked him, and the whole school surrounded them and started to video the whole thing.

We heard the principal come and I looked at his friends, they nodded at me and separated making sure no teacher or principal was able to enter the circle and see what ash was doing. 

I got in and tried to pull him off of Nate "Ashtray stop we have to leave"I said "no this fucker deserves more" he said "ASHTRAY STOP!" I pulled him away and we quickly ran out of school and to the gas station. 

As soon as we got in I smashed my lips against his, Ashtray was surprised but quickly kissed me back "Where will our date be?" I asked pulling away and he smiled "it's a surprise" he said leaning in for another kiss.

He picked me up and placed me on one of the huge freezers, our makeout session was interrupted when fez came and asked what were we doing...




{Vote, comment, follow}

Q: Honestly I think if Ashtray went to school that would be him.

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