bullies (AT)

2.5K 39 19

WC: 523

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: sad, cute, protective boyfriend

Requested: no


I went to school hoping no one noticed me walking in. 

I have been bullied for a very long time and it's getting worse and worse every day, but ever since Astray and I started dating it had been getting worse. 

I was walking to class when someone pushed me to the ground and placed their foot on me.

"hey loser where's your boyfriend now" One of them said "I bet he's cheating on you and dating someone prettier and skinnier than your fat ass" the other said and I felt tears running done my cheeks. 

The bell rang and the hall was now empty when they shut they start kicking and punching me. I tried to get up and defend myself but it hurts too much to stand up so I fall back down. 

He punched my cheek and it started to bleed, I was crying by now too weak to say anything.

the door opens and the two boys run away as Ashtray walks out with a hallway pass. he quickly runs up to me with a worried look on his face.

I cover his eyes with my hands but he gently takes my hands off his face and says "what the fuck happened?!" "i-it was t/b/n" "how long has this been happening?" he asked. 

"for a long time" I cried "baby why didn't I tell me?" "i-i was scared" "of what" "i-i don't know" "you should've told me, I could've helped" he said "let's go get I cleaned up then I'll go deal with (y/b/n)".

He picked me up bridal style and took me to the bathroom cleaning my bloody face "baby I don't want to go to class" I said and he kissed my forehead "it's okay you don't have to"

"How about we go back to my place" he said and I nodded "okay come on let's go" I got down and he locked our hands together, and he took me to the table filled with his friends.

"hey gu-Y/n!" "what happened?!" "Who did this to you?" they all asked mad and worried.

"Y/b/n and I need two of you to stay with Y/n and the left come with me" he said and 6 of them got up and 2 of them sat down to 'protect me'

After an hour they came back and Ashtray took us back to the gas station where we cuddled ourselves to sleep.

The next morning when I got back to school I saw Y/b/n and his best friend bruised and with a broken nose and arm.

I was shocked and looked at my boyfriend, he pretended not to notice me sharing which was so cute. I smiled and turned his face to face me "I love you" I said pecking his lips.

"I love you more but don't you think I deserve more?" he said cheekily making me smile "come here" I pulled him by his T-shirt into the empty classroom.

He picked me up and placed me on the desk connecting our lips together.




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AN: Yall my heart, Ashtray is the best bf ever!! 

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