I think that's mine (ST)

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WC: 781

Your ages in this imagine:  14-15

Type of imagine: funny

Requested: yes red_is_gay15 & me :)


I was staying at the Hotel Obsidian and I went for a little walk to clear my mind but when I came back I saw that my room was kinda clean, I guess.

After I was done showering I got dressed and that's when I noticed my panties were gone.

I looked everywhere for them and they were nowhere to be found.

Fuck where is it?

After some time I gave up and just wore my hoodie and sweatpants. I walked down the corridor and waited for the elevator. When the doors opened I saw a cute guy who kinda looked my age in.

"Hey" I smiled getting in, he had a room service cart with him but he didn't have the hotel uniform on.

Maybe he works here?

No I don't think so he's too young

Should I ask him or will it be rude

I don't know let's ask him.

"hey do you work here?" I said and he turned to look at me "what?" "do you work here because you have this trolly but not the uniform, yet you're a kid so I don't think so, shit I'm talking too much, sorry I'll shut up".

I don't know how all these words suddenly came out of my mouth but they embraced me, the boy laughed making my cheeks get even redder.

"it's okay and no I don't work here I'm just helping I guess since I burned something that belonged to the hotel and my father doesn't want to pay for it" he said.

"holy shit what did you burn" "()" "damn" I laughed "yup and I have to clean all these stupid rooms" he said showing me the long list of room numbers and keys.

"That sucks, I guess we both have shitty parents" I said "yeah? What's wrong with yours?" he asked and I sighed "their drug dealers who get drunk and sit on their asses all day".

"Parents suck" he said and I agreed.

Right as we were about to reach the lobby the elevator stopped "the fuck" he whispered pressing on the buttons but nothing worked.

"great I think were stuck" he said "oh really I didn't notice" I said sarcastically.

"let me see if I have something that will help us get out of here"  he said emptying his pockets.

He took out some gum, a random car key, a ball, Chapstick, a bracelet that dint look his, some earrings and perfume from the other pocket and there it was MY panties

"excuse me I think that's mine" I said and he furrowed his eyebrow "what is?" "this" I said taking my panties and he started to get red.

"Why did you steal them in the first place" I laughed "I-I don't know" he said embraced "did you steal all these as well" I asked and he nodded "no but the gums mine" he said.

"you crazy" I said "but I like you..wanna see the things I stole" I said and his head shot up immediately "you stole too?" he asked shocked and I nodded "how can I not, it's so fun".

I showed him the wallet, credit card, clone, cigar, watch, and car key and he was impressed "from who did you steal it from" I don't know random people" I said.

"Woah is that Rolex" he said and I nodded "worth 25 thousand" I said and his eyes widened "how the fuck! Did the owner even realize it was gone" he said "nope".

"bro you have to teach me how you did that" he said "as long as you promise not to steal my underwear again" I said and laughed shaking my hand.

The elevator started moving again and we quickly placed the stolen items back in our pockets.

The doors opened and 5 men were waiting there.

"Stanley, I thank god you're okay" I man said taking the boy into his embrace, looked like all of them were related to him.

"Are you kids okay" a strong man asked and I nodded "anyways nice to meet you Stanley" I said leaving the elevator.

"wait I didn't get your name," he said "it's Y/n" I said and he blushed "beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he said and I blushed walking away.

"My son knows how to talk to women" his father said and the others laughed "shut up" Stanley said I looked back at him one last time.

He looked at me and smiled

My stomach started to tingle, Fuck you butterflies.



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Q: Did you ever steal something?

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