Soccer (JV)

6.5K 52 22

WC: 425 

Your ages in this imagine: 16 

Type of imagine: cute 

Requested: no 


I was running down the halls, late to class as usual, I did a sharp turn and end up bumping into a wall. Hearing a muffled laugh I turn around and there he was. 

Javon Walton, my crush appeared at my worst moments. 

"Here, let me help you up" he says, lending a hand while still trying not to laugh "Ha ha real funny Walton" I say annoyed at him while getting up, he smiles at me and pats my back "get to class, your late...again" he says which made me snap back to reality. 

"FUCK" I yelled and run to class while hearing his amazing laugh echo through the halls making me blush immediately.

I was in the empty courtyard playing soccer with my headphones on, not paying much attention to what was around me. 

I accidentally slip over my own foot and fall, I sigh and check to see the damage the grass made on my knees. Light green and bruised, perfect just what I needed. 

"Hey! Y/n! You okay?" I hear Javon from a distance, I turn to see him running towards me. 

"Yeah I'm fine just a few small bruises but I'll be fine don't worry" I smile and dust myself off. He finally reached to me and looked at me unsure. 

"walk then" he says crossing his arms, I get up and try but feel a sharp pain in my ankle causing me to fall back down. 

I sprained my ankle, Great.

"Here let me help you" he says picking me up, I quickly wrap my arm around his neck and blush at the sudden contact. 

"T-thanks" I mumble and walk, trying to shift my weight to the ankle that's fine. The walk home was pretty silent but the good kind of silence.

"You know I was watching you play and your pretty good at soccer, we should play some time together this weekend" he says, smiling brightly at me, I blush and nod "I'd like that" I say softly. 

"Perfect! It's a date then" he says quickly kissing my cheek and walking away from my house leaving me stunned.

I smile "yeah a date" I say softly until I realized...A date..A DATE!? 




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Q: What do you call the sport where you kick this ball ⚽ with your feet, soccer or football? 

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