Salon (AT)

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WC: 487

Your ages in this imagine: 17

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I had just finished showering and looked around for my boyfriend and saw him in the kitchen cooking something, it smelled like mac n cheese.

I hugged him from behind and he asked if I was okay and I nodded.

"great I want you to try this and tell me what it needs" he said and I tried the pasta he made "mhmm needs more cheese and black pepper, let me do it" I said and he chuckled "thanks ma"

I handed Ashtray a bowl and spoon and he tasted it "mmm delicious" he hummed with a smile "your welcome" I giggled.

"let's cuddle and watch a movie" he said "sorry babe I got to go" I said kissing his cheek but before I could leave he stopped me "where are you going?" he asked "to the salon, I have an appointment" I said and he pouted.

"you promised cuddles" he said and I giggled "I know baby but I promise when I'm back you'll have hours of endless cuddles and kisses" I said "when will you come back" he asked "in 2-3 hours"

"what why!?" "Because I'll do a hair treatment, then do my hair and do my nails" I said and he groaned "ash you'll be fine now I got to go" I said and he kissed me one last time before I left.

I got into the salon and saw Maddy "hey girl come sit next to me" she said and I did, Maddy and I talked for an hour and she left. While I was doing my nails Ashtray came in surprising me.

"hi what are you doing here" I said and he sat next to me "I missed you" he said making me smile "how many hours do you have left?" he asked "one"

"Y/n/n is that your boyfriend" the woman doing my nails asked and I nodded "ay Jessie, Maya look that's Y/n/n boyfriend" she said and they all came "dang Y/n/n he's cute" "hot" they added and I chuckled.

"Tell me something I don't know" I said and Ashtray smiled cheekily "alright babe I'll do my hair and come get you" I said kissing his cheek "girls people don't kill my boyfriend"

After I got my hair done, I walked to see my boyfriend asleep on the massage chair with black nail polish on and his eyebrows well made.

He looked cute and I'm sure he doesn't know what happened to him, I looked at the girls who just giggled.

I woke up my boyfriend and took him back to our apartment, we got in med and he placed his head on my chest. I gave him head scratches and he hummed in happiness "I love your nails" he said making me smile.

"I'm happy you did now sleep" I said kissing his head




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Q: Do you think Ashtray would like his new look

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