Ending the fight (ST)

3.1K 27 6

WC: 333

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: cute

Requested: no


Me and Stanley were arguing about something and I was honestly getting tired of all this arguing so I grabbed my things and walked away "where are you going?" he yelled "away from you" I yelled back.

I got in my car and left his house and since then we haven't talked, texted, or anything.

-Stanley pov-

It's been 3 days and I feel like dying, I've tried to talk, call and even text her but she would decline my calls and leave me on read.

She was pissed at me and I deserve it.

ughhh I knew I had to make things right so I went to her house and I tried knocking on the door numerous amount of times but she didn't answer so I had to find a way into her house. 

I remembered her bedroom window and it wasn't really small but huge so I decided to try it. The only way to get up there was to climb the tree I rubbed my hands and pulled my body slowly up the tree.

I finally reached her window and patted myself, I knew I was always strong. 

I pulled her favorite flowers out of my bag I knocked on the door gently, and Y/n opened her window and rolled her eyes. she was mad which made me frown "what is it?" she asked pissed and I passed her the rose smiling softly.

"I'm sorry I know I was a dickhead to you the last couple of days, you were right you always are so please forgive me," I said " I even planned us a mini picnic" I added and saw her a smile appear on her face.

"Do you forgive me?" I asked pouting "I forgive you" she giggled kissing my lips.

I felt butterflies in my stomach again and I loved it, I love her.




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Q: what's your favorite type of flowers?

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