Airplane (JV)

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WC: 678

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: cute

Requested: no


Looking around I noticed a cute boy, he looks around my age. I hear my group being called up, I pull my eyes away from him to only notice he was looking back at me. Quickly got up and away so he couldn't see me blush.

Getting to my seat I notice I have a window seat which is a blessing and a curse. I hate asking people to get up so I can go to the bathroom but I also get to have control of the window so it's not that bad. 

There's only one other seat next to me so it shouldn't be that bad. Putting my headphones in and being lost in thoughts I didn't notice who sat next to me.

"You should put it on airplane mode" I hear someone say so I look over and meet the guy I was staring at earlier.


blushing in embarrassment I quickly mutter "out oh you're right" He chuckled softly making me melt in my seat. 

For the first hour or two we would sneak small glances here and there. Looking over I noticed he was watching my favorite movie.

The guy noticed and paused the movie "Do you watch y/f/m?" He asked with a hint of playfulness in his voice. "Like duh! Who doesn't, honestly it's one of my favorite movies" I responded.

"No way it's my favorite too!" "That's so cool, I'm Y/n by the way" reaching my hand out so he could shake it "I'm Javon" he said while reaching his hand out to shake mine. 

"Do you want to watch it with me?" He asked, it honestly sounded like he was nervous. "Sure why not." He handed me one of his AirPods and positioned his laptop so we both could see it.

We were only halfway through the movie when I started to get tired. I laid my head on his shoulder slowly falling asleep since it was only 8:30 am. 

Slowly waking up I noticed the movie was over, and that I had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Going to move my head I felt something heavy on top of my head. Quickly realizing his head was on top of mine. 

I stopped my movements so I didn't wake him slowly falling back to sleep again.

I slowly started to get up. Fixing my hair since it was kinda messy. "you know your head falls a lot while you sleep." He said I was about to say something but he continued "like I had to keep your head up with my head for a while." He said with a small laugh making me smile a bit.

"oh sorry I didn't mean to break your neck, how shall I ever repay you back your highness" "with your number my lady" he said and my heart started to pump faster.

After giving him my number we continue to talk more and more. I found out we have the same next flight together too which was a crazy cool coincidence. 

Javon was also here with his mother since he's an actor and is flying for an interview and when I asked for what I was surprised to know that we both are interviewing for the same movie/ tv show.

-time skip-

Javon and I actually got the roles and found out that our characters would be girlfriend and boyfriend in the movie/ tv show.

We had great chemistry so it was no surprise when we found out we shared the same feelings and started dating.

People went crazy and soon we became the new power couple that everyone loved.




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Q: What movie/ TV show do you think Y/n and Javon would be? 

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