Abuse (JV)

3.5K 36 25

WC: 793

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Requested: no

Warning: Mention of abuse!


Ever since my father lost his job he started drinking, after a while he started getting addicted. Whenever I asked him about his job interview he would say it was alright but I knew from the way he looked he was not going to get hired.

After my dad got rejected from every job he got really mad and drank so much that he came home stumbling and muttering things I couldn't make up.

"Y/n get me a beer" he slurred "no dad you had enough alcohol" I said and he got up slapping me on the face.

I fell to the floor and held my cheek in shock "when I tell you to do something you do it, UNDERSTAND!" He yelled and I nodded in fear. "Get me my damn beer" he yelled and I ran to the fridge getting him what he wanted and walked upstairs.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my dad's and print on my face with tears running down my cheek.

He didn't mean it...right?

Of course he didn't he's my dad plus he was drunk

I got in bed and the next morning my dad apologized for what he did and promised me that its the last time he would hit me....he lied.

As the days went by my dad became more violent but I didn't tell anyone, I couldn't I was too scared. Plus if they find out they'll take me away from my father and probably place me in an orphanage since we have no other family.

Every day my father promises to change and I used to believe him but after a while I stopped.

Today I'm going to a trampoline park with Walton's.

Javon, Jaden, and I were best friends for the longest time, we actually met in kindergarten and became best friends real quick.

I walked downstairs and saw my dad passed out on the couch

Thank god.

I quickly went out and waited for Jayla since she's like our driver.

5 minutes later they came "get in loser we're going shopping" Jaden yelled from the front seat making me laugh.

"Hey guys" "hey y/n/n!" I sat next in the back next to Javon, we did our handshake and Jayla asked if we should stop at Starbucks first which we, of course, said yes to.

We got our coffee and went to the park where we met with Dj and Jess who handed us our entry bands "thanks here's that's for my ticket" I said handing him the money. Dj chuckled and pushed my hand away "come on Y/n your like my second daughter" he said "go have fun..oh and you have to stay for dinner" Jess said and I nodded.

"Come on Y/n let's go" Jayla said dragging me in "hey don't steal our best friend" Jaden yelled and both twins came after us.

-time skip-

I was playing with Daelo alone showing each other's our moves when I accidentally jumped really high that made my hoodie rise revealing my bruises.

"What was that?" Daelo asked shocked "n-nothing" I said "Y/n what happened" he asked worried and I panicked so I just said the first thing that happened in my mind.

"from boxing" I said and he didn't believe me "boxing?" "yes! I started learning boxing with Javon and I got hurt but you can't tell anyone especially your siblings" I said "why?"

"Because your parents will be mad and punish Javon" I said "oh okay..but are you okay?" he asked and I nodded "Daelo you have to promise me not to tell anyone, okay" "okay I promised"


-Javon's pov-

Jayla and Y/n went to get dinner while my brothers and I stayed, Daelo was mad at me for some reason and whenever I tried to talk to him he would ignore me and walk away "what's up with him" Jaden laughed.

"I don't know let's go tell mom" I said and he nodded.

I went to the kitchen and so my mom and dad sitting there "mom Daelo is mad at me and I know why" I said and "did you do something to annoy or upset him" my dad asked and I shook my head.

"Daelo come here" my mom called and a Daelo came and sat on her lap "Daelo why are you mad at Javon" my dad asked "I can't say" he said "why is that" Jaden asked "because I promised Y/n" he said and I frowned "whats Y/n has to do with this" I asked.

"because you hurt her!" he yelled




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