Who's Stevie (ST)

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WC: 644

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: cute, funny

Requested: no


Stanley had been pranking me a lot lately and told him to stop and he would lie and say "that's the last one" but that's never true.

The last prank was a bit extreme, he literally brought a snake and locked me in a room with it, he knows that I have a phobia of snakes and yet he still did it so I decided enough is enough.

I was going to give him a taste of his own medicine and see if he likes it.

The first prank that I would do isn't that extreme but it'll surely scare him a bit, I am going to 'accidentally' call him by another guy's name and see how he would react.

I sat on the couch scrolling through Netflix when I heard him enter the house so I quickly hid my phone which secretly was recording.

Stanly jumped over the couch and sat down next to me "hey baby" he cheeks my cheek "hi" I said my eyes still on the book.

"what you reading" he asked "a book" I said and he chuckled "I could see that" he quickly garbed the book out of my hand and got up "baby give me my book back" I said.

"give me a kiss first" he said "no" "no?" "no Stanley I'm not giving you a kiss" I said and he frowned "why not?" "because" I said walking away.

He walked behind me and asked "because what?" "because I just don't want to" I said "but whyyy" "because I just don't".

Stanley hugged me from behind and placed his hand on my face forcing me to face him "no" I laughed "I'm not kissing me" I said getting out of his grip.

"Y/n!!" he whined "Stanley!!" I mimicked and he started running after me, after 5 minutes of running after each other he tackled me down.

"give me a kiss!" he demanded tickling me "no!" I laughed "yes!" "NO! " I laughed harder "please s-stop" "no not until I get my kiss" he said.

"Stevie stop" I said and he quickly stops "what did you call me?" he asked "Stanley" I said and he shook his head "no you said Stevie stop, who's Steve?" he said getting off of me.

"no one, I don't know a Stevie" I said "then why did you say his name" he said "baby I did-" "no don't lie I heard you!?" he said getting up "babe your overreacting" I said.

"overreacting!? Well sorry if I'm mad that my girlfriend called me another guy's fucking name, Stevie what a stupid name" he said.

"I would never name our kid Stevie" he said and I laughed "our kid?" "yes OUR kid but that's for later, now we need to talk about this Stevie" he said.

"Baby I'm serious why are you laughing" he said mad "aww come here" I said hugging him "no hugs before you tell me who's that son of a bitch" he says pushing me away.

"baby it's a prank" I said "here's my phone" I said taking it out of its hiding space "MY GOD! You scared me" he said.

"can I have a hug now?" "yes you can" he said tarping me in his arms "can I get my kiss now" he asks and I nod peaking his lips.

"I think I deserve better" he said and I smiled kissing his lips again but this time more passionate.

Stanley smiled into the kiss and pulled me closer to him.

The doors suddenly open and there came his uncles staring at us "what?" we ask "why are you kissing, aren't you guys like 12" he says and we laugh "we're 16" Stanley said.

"What!?" they yelled "since when!!"




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Q: did you finish the season 3 of The Umbrella Academy 

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