she's just a fan (JV)

4.1K 41 16

WC: 250

Your ages in this imagine: 17

Type of imagine: sad

Requested: no


"I love you so much" Javon muttered, pulling me in close, he was about to kiss me when some paparazzi interrupted us. 

"Javon!! Javon!! Who is this?!" one yelled at us "No one, she's just a fan" he said which shocked me. 

"WOW Just a fan?!" before Javon had a chance to respond, I walked off.

Dozens of texts and ignored calls from Javon later, I called my best friend with tears rushing down my face. My phone died just as she picked up. 

"Shit" I muttered. Alone, lost, and scared, I walked into the closest restaurant and asked to use a phone. I called my mom, seeing as hers was the only number I knew by heart.

"Mom?" I cried when she picked up "Y/n, what's wrong?" "I need you to come pick me up" I said, trying my best not to cry "Where are you?" she asked "I'm at the (R/n)" I replied. 

"Ok, I'll be there soon. Love you" she said "Thank you. Love you too" I replied before hanging up. As someone walked in, I looked up, expecting it to be my mom but Instead, it was Javon with a bouquet of flowers. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked not looking at him "I came to take you home. Look, I'm sorry. After you ran off, I tried to follow you, but the paparazzi wouldn't let me. I've been trying to call you this whole time, but you never answered, so I've been driving these streets, calling your name out." Javon replied with a hoarse voice, "I'm just glad I finally found you"

"Why are you doing all this for a 'fan'" I said "baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean to call you a fan, the paparazzi came out of nowhere and I just panicked" he said "is that the truth or.." "or what?" he asked "or you're ashamed of me" I said my eyes tear up.

Imeadeatly he pulled me into his embrace "never think that" he said "I love you so much that I could never be ashamed of you, you are smart, beautiful and amazing"

"I'm sorry for what I said and I hope you could forgive me" he said and I smiled "I love you Walton" I said pecking his lips.

The doors opened again and this time it was my mom, She looked worried but as soon as she saw Javon and I, her face softened "are you okay y/n/n" she asked and I nodded.

"Will you come with me or Javon?" she asked "I'm sorry but I think I will go with Javon" I said and she smiled "It's okay, take care of her" she said leaving.

Javon smiled and took me back to his car where he drove us back to his apartment. 

Since he was filming here, he was given a whole entire apartment that was close to the area he was filming at and we spent most of our time there together.

He calls it 'our' apartment which is so cute, even though we are still 17 I know that Javon and I are made for each other.

He's my soulmate and I love him.




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Q: At what age do you think you should move out?"

Javon Walton imagines #2Where stories live. Discover now